Page 85 of Wyoming Homecoming

“Nice to have friends like that!”

“What about Horace?” the chief asked. “Is he all right?”

“Yes. He’s under surveillance, too, and we’ve got your blonde right here in town,” he added grimly. “She’s part of a triumvirate hired, apparently, by Bobby Grant, to get Horace Whatley out of the way. He has plans, or so I’m told, to get Nita back with flattery or force, whichever works.”

“Over my dead body,” Dan Brady said furiously.

“All I need is enough evidence to get an arrest warrant,” Cody told him. “And I’ve got help from a former MIT professor,” he added with a grin at Lassiter.

“A who?”

“His dad’s got a detective agency in Houston, Texas.”

“Ah. That young man. Yes, I’ve met him. He discussed the case with me over the phone when Nita was still involved with Bobby Grant. Brilliant fellow. And he’s catching crooks?”

“Our differences are what make the world go round,” Cody chuckled.

“So they say. Keep me in the loop.”

“No problem. Watch your back.”

“You watch yours,” Brady said suddenly. “If money changed hands, or was promised and that blonde’s involved, anybody around you is going to be in danger when you make the arrest. There might be an accomplice you don’t know about. And the blonde has a reputation for vengeance. Nasty vengeance. She’ll look for your weakest link.”

His mind went immediately to his three girls, Abby and Hannah and little Lucy. He felt a surge of possession as strong as death almost burst inside him. His girls, and his old dog. Those were his weakest links. He’d have to make sure they were safe once he started making arrests.

ITTOOKAfew days while Cody and Lassiter formed a plan of action. Lassiter had a friend who was between jobs, so he made a phone call to ask for help. Cody’s deputy was assigned to keep an eye on the triumvirate camping out at Jack Owens’s home. And Cody himself went to the Owens law office to pay a call on James Owens, uncle of one of the prime suspects.

Abby was working at her desk when he came in. He paused, but she pretended not to see him. With a sad sigh, he went on to the receptionist and asked to see James Owens.

He was ushered right back into Owens’s office without having to wait.

“Have a seat, Cody,” Owens said quietly. “I’ve been expecting you.”

“Do you know what your nephew’s up to?” Cody asked, when he was seated.

Owens shook his head. “I know that he’s involved in something illegal, but not what,” he replied. “My brother would roll over in his grave if he could see what his only child had turned out to be. This is what comes of overindulgence and never trying to be a parent. Tom wanted to be his son’s best friend. He didn’t need a best friend, he needed a father!”

Cody drew in a long breath. “I’m sure he did his best,” he replied.

“Jack’s mother tried to discipline him, but she died when he was only seven. Then it was just Jack and Tom, and Tom spoiled him rotten. He bailed him out of jail at least five times before he was out of high school, and it was always somebody else’s fault. Usually it was the police persecuting the boy,” Owens said, rolling his eyes.

“I’ve had him in a time or two myself,” Cody said. “Mostly for petty things. But, Jim, this isn’t a petty thing,” he added quietly. “It adds up to a conspiracy to commit murder. I don’t have to tell you how much time in prison he could be facing on just that charge alone.”

Owens nodded his head. “I’ve already talked to Mark Sessions, our assistant district attorney, about the charges. The DA’s investigator is already on the case. You might get in touch with him.” He smiled sadly. “He’s incorruptible. Just like you.”

“I’ll do that. I have to go talk to Julia Donovan. Mr. Whatley’s most recent close call with poisoning was through one of her pies,” Cody told the other man.

“But Julia’s crazy about Horace Whatley!” James exclaimed. He laughed at Cody’s expression. “My housekeeper knows her,” he added. “They share secrets. She said that Horace was noticing Julia more and more, also. A sort of romance in progress. Two lonely people, in the process of finding each other.”

“It would be nice if they did,” Cody said. “But I have to go through the motions, as distasteful as it is. I hate going out there alone. It will look like I’m trying to intimidate her.”

Owens pursed his lips and managed to look innocent. “You might take Abby with you,” he said. “She could take down notes, if you need them.”

Cody’s heart jumped at the thought. It might be his only way back to Abby, to undo some of the damage his avoidance of her had done. He was feeling more guilty by the day. And now of all times, he needed to be around for all of his girls.

“That’s a good idea. If she’ll go,” Cody added quietly. “I’ve been dealing with a lot of personal issues lately. I’ve...avoided people.”

Owens touched the intercom button. “Abby, will you come in here, please?” he asked.