Page 96 of Wyoming Homecoming

“Venison stew?” Lassiter asked, curious.

“When he goes deer hunting, he makes a huge pot of venison stew and invites anyone close to him to share it,” Hannah said. She closed her eyes. “I dream about that stew. Nobody can make it like Cody.”

He chuckled. “I’m flattered. I’ll do my best to get a nice, fat buck. And I’ll make a vat of it this time.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Hannah teased. “Now, I’ve got to get the dishes done. And Miss Lucy has to have her bath and go to bed.”

“Yes, she does,” Abby agreed.

“But Cody’s here and his dog is, and I don’t want to go to bed,” Lucy wailed.

“I’ll bring Alexander back over soon,” Cody promised. “How would you like to go ice-skating Saturday with your aunt and me?” he added.

“Oh, that would be so nice!” Lucy reached up to hug him and kissed his tanned cheek. “We really missed you,” she told him with wide, laughing eyes. “Aunt Abby was just so sad all the time...”

“Lucy,” Abby interrupted, flushing, “you need to go and have your bath. Okay?”

“Okay, Aunt Abby.” She kissed her aunt, and then Hannah. “Can I tell Alexander and Snow good-night?”

“Go ahead,” Abby said with resignation and a short laugh. “Oh, procrastination,” she said under her breath.

Lucy sat down between the big dogs and hugged them both. Alexander laid his head on her little shoulder and licked her.

“He’s a love sponge,” Cody remarked, chuckling. “He’s turned into a super pet. He’s a lot of company.” His face softened. “Poor old fellow. He was lying on the side of the road, leg broken, in a horrible condition. The vet asked me if I wanted him put down. I couldn’t,” he added quietly. “It was the way he looked at me with those soulful eyes. As if he’d given up on people, on life.”

“He’s beautiful, cast and all,” Abby replied. “I’d have done the same thing.”

He looked at her. “I know you would.”

Lassiter cleared his throat. “I enjoyed supper, thanks very much, but I really need to get back to my motel room and touch base with a few people.”

Abby grinned at him. “Okay. You can come back anytime you like.”

“Thanks,” he said, smiling. “So long, Lucy,” he added, as the little girl came running back in. She ran to Lassiter and held out her arms. He picked her up, laughing, and kissed her cheek. She kissed him back.

“Bye,” she said. “You come back to see us, okay?”

“Okay, sweetheart,” he promised, and put her down.

Abby, watching, was surprised. He liked children. He didn’t seem the sort of man who would. Well, actually, Cody didn’t, either, but Lucy was already sitting on his lap, telling him about a picture she’d drawn in school.

ABBYANDHANNAHwalked Lassiter to the door. He waved as he got into his car and drove away.

“Lucy, bath?” Abby prompted.

“Aw, do I have to, Aunt Abby?” she asked plaintively as Cody put her down.

“Yes, you have to,” she said, and she smiled.

“You have to tuck me in.”

“I always do that,” Abby reminded her.

“Can’t Cody come, too?” she added, looking at him.

Abby hesitated.

“I’d like that,” Cody said. He smiled at her.