Page 67 of Wyoming Homecoming

“I’m absolutely sure.” He sighed. “I thought my detention center was the safest place for him. I can’t tell you how disturbed I am, and how sorry, that such a thing could happen on my watch.”

“Who found him?”

“I did once I got the call, and just in time, the doctor said.” He hesitated. “Miss Whatley, do you know if your boyfriend had any contacts with access to exotic poisons or substances?”

She hesitated. “Well, there was this blonde woman who came to the house a time or two. He said she lived in South America with her uncle,” she related. “I didn’t really see her much, he met her at the door and talked to her outside.”

“Did he see her recently, do you know?”

“Well, yes, a few days ago. They were talking about a trip she was going to take. I didn’t really eavesdrop.” She hesitated. “That’s a lie. Yes, I did. She was very pretty. But Bobby said she was just a cousin or something and he didn’t think of her as a woman.”

“That’s all you know about her?” he probed.

“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t pay more attention. To a lot of things,” she added on a sigh. “Honestly, I feel like I’ve been in an isolation chamber or something. Infatuation is a very bad thing.”

“Very bad indeed. But your brother is doing fine and I’ve doubled the watch. Believe me, nobody is going to get to him again!”

She laughed softly. “I believe you. Please tell him that I love him and that I’m sorry I’ve been so horrible to him.”

“I will, but it’s not necessary. He doesn’t hold grudges.”

“No. He’s the sweetest man I know. Bobby had me do some terrible things, including holding back Horace’s checks from the estate. But those are going out regularly now, so he won’t have a cash flow problem ever again.”

“He’ll be happy to hear that.”

“I’d love to see Bobby go to prison for what he did to that woman’s sister in Colorado,” she added shortly. “And I’d really like to speak to her. We share something truly horrible.”

“I realize that, but it would be a good idea if you hold off on talking to Violet until we have Mr. Grant booked and locked up.”

“He won’t make bond?” she asked, horrified.

“Your police chief will make sure that bond is set high enough that Mr. Grant will have a hell of a time trying to scrape it up.”

She groaned. “I gave him a diamond ring,” she muttered, “before I found him out. He can hock it for thousands of dollars.”

“Won’t be enough,” Cody assured her. “We’re talking at least a million, on suspicion of murder, which is what he’s being charged with.”

“My goodness! They’ll have to take him to Colorado to stand trial, won’t they? What if he escapes?”

“I’ll be driving him myself,” Cody assured her. He glanced at Lassiter, who was shaking his head. “Actually, we’ll have federal marshals doing that,” he added, after Lassiter had whispered it to him.

“Then he shouldn’t be able to get away,” she replied, obviously relieved. “I can’t tell you how stupid I feel,” she added. “I must have been out of my mind.”

“Just a thought, but I believe most people in love think they’re crazy.”

Nita laughed softly. “Perhaps so.”

“I’m not sure you know it, but your police chief has a case on you,” Cody said, his voice deep and soft.

“Dan does?” She caught her breath. “Really? But he can’t stand the sight of me! He won’t even come to parties here if I invite him!”

“Have you invited him at a time when Mr. Grant wasn’t there?” he asked, amused.

There was a long pause. “Well, actually, I haven’t.”

“You could invite him over for coffee,” Cody remarked. “Just to discuss the case, you understand.”

“Yes. Of course, I could. Just to discuss the case.” She coughed. “Do you think he’d really come?”