“Yeah, what is it?”

“Yeah, Oliphant. Come pick me up. I need some help. You know where… Shane’s place.”

I hung up before he could respond and by the time he got to me I was itching to get it over with. I wanted to find out why miss bossy pants hadn’t responded. I climbed into his car and he took off.

“To the station, and by the time we get there I need to be in cuffs. You picked me up for shoplifting, and don’t worry, I’m handling the clean up now.”

Oliphant chuckled as I shot my dad a text. I told him that I was being harassed for shoplifting and that I needed the dogs called off in about 30 minutes. That would give me time to at least talk to her.

“What’s this all about anyway? You don’t get arrested enough already? You need to turn yourself in now?” He turned toward the station and I pulled his cuffs off his center console and slapped them on my wrists.

“Nah, I banged a bitchy street cop and she ghosted me.”

Oliphant’s eyebrows rose as he glanced at me. “Oh, yeah? Anyone I know?”

“You know Murphy? Because fuck is that ass of hers fine.” I snickered and sat back, enjoying the ride straight into the heart of the station where I’d be able to talk to her. “You think you can hook me up with a private interrogation room with her?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I know her. She still has that ‘I gotta prove myself’ stick up her ass. She’ll calm down. She’ll make a good cop too. But no, I can’t do that. She’s not a detective and she doesn’t have authority to question suspects.”

“But I’ll get to see her?” I shifted in the seat, not surprised to hear his answer, but somewhat irked.

“If she’s working, yeah.” He pulled into the parking garage behind the station and got out. After hauling my ass in through the back door, he led me through a maze of hallways and past what looked like a break room. I saw the inside of the precinct in a whole new light. It was worse than I thought—a true testimony to government control.

“Sit here,” he said, pushing me toward a chair near the office. It was down a short hallway, but I could see the desks and cops walking around them.

“You’ll send her out? Can you uncuff me?” I raised my arms, wrists extended toward him.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You moron. I’ll be lucky to keep you out of the eye of the chief. He isn’t fond of you waling in and out of here like you own the fucking joint.” He pushed my hands down. “They stay on until I have a reason to release you. Just sit there and wait.”

Oliphant walked away and I scowled. I kept my eyes glued to the office area, thinking Murphy would come from that direction. I hadn’t expected her to come up from the other way and surprise me.

“What did you do this time, Riccio?” Her voice sent a chill down my spine. I wanted to leap to my feet and face off with her, asking her why she was ghosting me, but I turned casually and looked up at her.

“Shoplifting.” I shrugged. “Good at stealing I guess.” I smirked.

She scowled at me. “You’re proud of that?” With her arms crossed over her chest, it made her tits push out a bit, though only a tiny amount of cleavage was visible in the V of her work shirt.

“Nah, but I take credit where credit is due. Like what happened the other night. You like that?” I leaned toward her, resting my elbow on the arm of the chair. She swallowed and I watched her eyes nervously flick toward the office space. She shifted from foot to foot.

Murphy didn’t say a word, but I read her like a book. “At least I didn’t break anything, except maybe your heart. Is that why you didn’t call me? ’Cause I left you locked up and you had to free yourself? I thought you’d like that. A little souvenir.” I winked at her which was obviously the wrong move.

Her lips pursed and she started walking away. “At least tell me it was good,” I called after her. I watched the perfect curve of her ass with each step. God, did I want to fuck her again.

Murphy stopped and turned to face me, a few paces away. “Cameron, you need to forget that ever happened, alright? Because we can’t be seen together—ever.” The way her eyes darted around my face, lingering on my lips told me she was having second thoughts. I wanted to reach out and touch her, but given where we were, I kept my hands to myself.

“So I did get under your skin.” I rose, meeting her toe to toe. “I mean, we can keep this on the down low. No one has to know you fuck a bad boy.” I lifted my cuffed hands and brushed a stray red hair out of her eyes. She backed away, glancing over my shoulder down the hallway.

“I mean it.”

I wanted to kiss her, watching her lick her bottom lip was intoxicating. “I mean it too. I can show you that I’m not that guy you think I am. We’ll have some fun. You’ll feel things you never thought you’d feel. We’ll have really amazing sex…”

Her cheeks turned bright red and she glanced around as if to make sure no one had heard me, and I smiled. I knew I had her.

“You don’t have to answer now. Just text me later. I’m not above a booty call.” I winked again and returned to my seat, waiting for Oliphant to come back for me. She lingered there at the end of the hallway with her back to me for a few seconds longer and then disappeared.

I smiled with satisfaction. I had every answer I needed now.