It was a shame I had to leave her handcuffed to her coffee table, lying on the floor of her apartment in a puddle of her juices with my cum draining out of her.
Iwoke up with such a pounding headache—handcuffed to my own coffee table with my own handcuffs. Flashes of the night before filtered through the throbbing pain in my head. Cam fucking me so good I still felt it, falling asleep before my afterglow had even worn off. I heard him say goodbye to me as he programmed his number into my phone.
It had taken me the better part of 20 minutes to sling my foot up onto the end table and draw the keys toward myself. I had to play the part of a human pretzel just to get the key to my hand where I could unlock myself, kneeling with my arms crossed, picking the key up off the carpet with my teeth and dropping it into my hand. If anyone found out I had left my gun, badge, and cuffs there while I was drunk and Cam Riccio was there I would be fired.
Luckily, despite my paranoia regarding all of that, no one seemed to notice a thing except that I looked a little tired and wore my sunglasses when I entered the precinct. I sat at my desk and kept my head down, until Oliphant marched in that is. He had a way of drawing my ire.
I watched him shuffle through the office eating a cherry-jam-filled donut and humming something to himself. I deeply regretted my encounter with who I now knew—after a bit of digging this morning—was really Cameron Riccio, son of the Italian don. I’d already deleted his evidence from my body with a hot shower, and his number from my phone.
What I’d never be able to delete would be the haunting memory of how my body seized around his as he fucked me. I bit my lip, forcing my eyes away from Oliphant’s awful swagger and back to my computer screen. I just had to enter a few more reports and I could get out on the street and out of the claustrophobic office.
If Oliphant was that tight with the family, would he know about me and Cam already? What if he told someone I’d done that? Fucked one ofthem? And while I was drunk with my service weapon out in the open, for Christ’s sake.
My cheeks warmed and I couldn’t take it anymore. I decided I’d finish the reports later. I grabbed my hat and keys and strolled out before anyone could see my discomfort. Behind the wheel of my cruiser was much safer than in that confining space.
As I pulled out into traffic to do my rounds, I thought how thankful I was that I hadn’t been assigned a partner. Still just working as a meter maid of sorts, it wasn’t necessary. I had been given the full authority of the force, with power to arrest perverts like Riccio when they acted up, but mostly my job was parking tickets. That was okay with me.
My beat took me back to the same streets where I’d littered windshields with tickets last week. I was pleased to see only a handful of cars this time. People had obviously gotten the point and parked elsewhere. Instead of picking on the same citizens, I opted for the next block, noticing several illegally parked cars. I rolled to stop in the driving lane and counted at least a dozen, worth my time finding a spot to park.
But when I looked up the block, I found no spots available. I rounded the corner hoping to find something close, only to see none other than Cam Riccio involved in an altercation. A shoving match on the sidewalk had attracted some attention, and it was my duty to stop and settle the dispute, but after seeing that man, I opted to keep driving as if I hadn’t seen a thing. My heart raced a little. If anyone knew I’d seen that and drove away, I’d be written up for sure. I just had no interest in talking to him, not after what he did to me last night. The way he left me cuffed like a criminal in my own home.
My hands shook as I accelerated away from the scene and forgot entirely about the illegally parked vehicles. Suddenly the only thing on my mind was the one thing I wanted to forget. The way he touched me, the way his fingers made my insides melt. I was aroused just thinking of it and I hated myself for that. Cam Riccio was off limits to someone like me. I might have liked bad boys but I couldn’t have that one.
“All units, we have a 240 in progress on Seventh Street near Dallas. Please report.”
My hand shook as I reached for my two-way. I waited a few seconds, praying someone else took the call, and thankfully someone else called back.
“Copy, dispatch. This is unit 12; we’re on our way. Any injuries to report? Weapons?”
I turned my volume down and clicked it into the off position, grateful that Jerry and Hank would handle this one. I would turn it back up in a few minutes once my nerves calmed.
I had made a huge mistake. I could have told him to stop, but something inside of me just wouldn’t do it. I had sked him to let me go, but he played me like a fucking violin. I should have known better than to have dinner with him. And then the way he bought my groceries. He was so deceptive, and I had played right into his hand.
I turned the radio back up, taking a cleansing breath, and parked in the first available spot. I needed a walk to sort out my thoughts.
“Leave that bitch alone, Cam. You must have a fucking death wish.” Shane tipped his beer up and gave me a side eye. “You ought to know better.”
“Fuck off, Trumball.” I threw the remote at him and laughed. Maybe I did have a death wish, but more so, I just wanted some feedback.
Sure Murphy had been drunk as fuck when I left her, probably passed out before I locked up when I left. But she had enjoyed it; I knew she had. And for the past week and a half she hadn’t responded to a single text or call. I hadn’t even seen her on the street, except once and she drove right past. Either she was playing hard to get, or she was about to spring rape charges on me.
Not that it mattered, my father would clean up the mess.
“Seriously, what’s she got that a dozen whores the family can provide don’t have?” Shane finished his beer and set the empty bottle down on the coffee table in front of himself. The small space was suffocating. I’d been in bigger closets. I didn’t know how he lived like this. His job as my driver must not have paid him very well.
“She’s untouchable.” Rick kicked my feet off his table and they dropped to the ground with a thud. “Keep your feet off the furniture. I don’t give a fuck if you’re the boss’s kid; you need to respect my shit.”
Shane laughed at his roommate, and I rolled my eyes. I was ready to bounce anyway. I stood, shrugging at Shane and headed for the door. “I’ma catch y’all later, alright? I have a few things to do.”
Shane held up a few fingers in a peace-sign goodbye and I let myself out. If good old Officer Murphy was planning to ignore me and avoid me, she left me no choice. If she wouldn’t come to me, I’d go to her. I jogged down the stairs of the apartment building and out into the evening air. It may as well have been mid-day; that’s how hot it still was. And I was far out of her neck of the woods, so I knew I wouldn’t see her in the neighborhood, so I did what I had to do. I called the man who could help me.