The lady cop dragged me up the steps and through the front doors of the old east precinct building. It wasn’t the first time I’d been here, and I was certain it wouldn’t be the last either. A few officers walked past and gave me head nods, which Murphy thought were directed at her, and I thought that was laughable.
“Why does such a beautiful woman like you have to become a cop? I mean, there are so many noble pursuits out there for beautiful women.” I didn’t protest a bit as she walked me in. There was no point now. Besides, the boys had probably already called in the cavalry. Dad and his connections would have me out before I even sat down.
“Just be quiet. You realize that anything you say can be used against you, right? I’ve read your rights to you.” She pushed me into a small office divided up by cubicles and desks. The usual chirping of phones and chatter of office small talk became the background noise upon which the sounds of annoyance were played.
Marge, the large-haired, busty lady at the booking counter, quirked an eyebrow and scowled at me as we approached. “Got a fresh one for me, Kitty?” Her sour expression betrayed the truth that Murphy was about to realize, but I couldn’t return it. I was too busy laughing at the ridiculous name. Marge and I went way back.
“Kitty?” I almost doubled over. “What the fuck kind of name is Kitty? Are you a cop or a porn star?” I saw her wince at first, and I almost felt bad for the insult, but quickly remembered that she was the ass wipe who arrested me for being a bit playful.
Murphy jerked me upward, scowling at me. “That’s Katherine thank you, and you can call me Officer Murphy.”
“Straighten up, Riccio.” Marge sounded more like a dog trainer than a police booking agent. How many times had she said that exact phrase to me? I almost backtalked her like I would my mother. Instead I composed myself and offered a more controlled reply.
“Or what?” I stifled my laughter and wiped the tears from my eyes the minute Murphy removed my cuffs. “Besides, me andKittyhere are talking, Marge. So butt out.”
Murphy’s eyes shot to Marge’s face, incredulous that I knew her by her first name. She hunched over a sheet of paper handed to her by Marge and scrawled my name on it.
Marge’s scowled deepened and she turned and walked away, so I leaned back on the counter and crossed my arms over my chest.
“So seriously. Katherine,” I said, trying my best to not continue joking with her, “you’re cute. I’ve always had a thing for gingers. Want to go to dinner?”
Her eyes turned up to meet my face and she furrowed her brow. “What makes you think that I want to go to dinner with you? Do you always assault women before you ask them out? How does that work for you?” She gestured to a row of chairs where several unsightly characters lazed and chatted. “Sit.”
“Come on now. You really think I’m a bad guy? You know I was showing off for the guys. Cut me some slack.” I probably didn’t have a chance in hell with a woman as gorgeous as her, but I had to try. The guys and I had watched her approaching, placing a ticket on every single car on the block. Long before she had arrived at our car, they had dared me to do something much more vile than just smack her ass. She’s lucky I was feeling gentlemanly.
She glared at me, finger extended toward the last empty chair and repeated “Sit,” as if I were a trained animal. I shook my head at her and slunk over to the chair, ready to bide my time until my dad worked his magic. I hardly sat there for 10 minutes when Detective Oliphant strolled up to me and gave a quick wave, as if I should follow him. So I stood and strolled past Marge, who had returned. If looks could kill…
I snickered and patted Oliphant on the back. “So what’s new?”
“You haven’t been in here in a while. You stayin’ clean? Daddy hasn’t had to call off the dogs lately.” His gruff exterior covered an even rougher interior. The man was as filthy as cops come, and lucky for me he was on duty today. The boys probably called Dad before they even pulled away from the scene.
“Ah, you know. Just waiting for the right lady cop to harass.”
Murphy’s eyes popped up and followed me as I passed her desk triumphantly. The dirty look she offered was one of sincere shock and offense. She shot to her feet. “Hey, where are you taking him?”
We kept walking, and she scurried around the end of her desk, keys jingling on her hip, as she chased after us. “He’s headed home.” Oliphant took shit off of no one, just like me. I chuckled and looked over my shoulder.
“I tried to tell you you’d be wasting your time.” As I talked, I turned and watched her stop dead in her tracks, glowering. I walked backward a few steps, pointing my finger guns at her and winking. “Maybe we’ll have dinner like I suggested?”
Turning back around, I nearly slammed into the door Oliphant held open. “You need to stop making appearances around here before someone gets the hint that I’m on the payroll.” Oliphant’s side-talking hadn’t improved one bit. He needed to stop being so obvious or he’d get caught on his own, no help from me needed. I had to give him credit though—seven years on the payroll was a long time. He must have been more crooked than half our guys.
“Well at least I know the old man still cares.” I wagged my eyebrows and stepped out onto the street. The guys were parked out front, ready and waiting for me. And it was still early enough to finish our rounds on this side of town. The pavement would heat up soon and that’s when I’d plant myself at home, poolside.
Until then, I would probably sit and think about that sexy lady cop and how much I wanted to bang her. We’d meet up again. I’d see to it.
It had been a long day and I was exhausted. My feet hurt; I had a headache and I just wanted to have a drink and relax. The problem was I was out of wine and I didn’t feel like going to the store. So I headed home, disappointed there would be no wine in my future, but at least I’d get a hot bath maybe, while I watched the evening news.
I pulled out into traffic and turned toward home. My old car barely started sometimes, a 1999 Toyota, Corolla. I caught a lot of shit from the guys at work for that thing, but on a cop’s salary it was impossible to get anything new. So I hung on to my old college beater. Besides, she did okay getting me around still.
When I turned onto Downing Street, I noticed that the car behind me had been following me for quite some time. In fact, I thought I remembered seeing it parked outside the station when I pulled out. So instead of going home, I headed toward a more public place. Even if it was just paranoia, picking up that wine just became the best idea I had all day.
When I turned into the grocery store parking lot, the follow car drove past, and I breathed a sigh of relief then found a parking spot. Ever since I took the position on the force, I’d felt like the entire world of criminals and perpetual mischief makers was out to get me. I definitely needed to see a shrink.
I wandered the aisles of the store, finding more things to put into my basket than necessary. Wine for a relaxing night turned into wine and cheese, with ice cream and pretzels, and chocolate sauce to drizzle over the ice cream. Before I got to the checkout lane I’d have a full cart. I paused by the drink section, questioning my choice in wine now that I had other snacks.