It is way past midnight.
Sweat soaks my flesh and sheets while my heart raged with grief as I remember the nightmare vividly.
The scars on my bruised heart screamed as if they were still red and raw. The ones on my body healed a long time ago.
That hurt I can handle.
It was the ones written on my heart, embedded in my black soul that made me feel like I was still being torn apart.
I sucked in air to draw oxygen into my lungs, reminding myself that I am no longer in that place. I am not back to that day that had turned into the darkest night.
I am safe, but my mind always returns to those painful moments. Where the dreams lured me into a nightmare that had been real.
It was the moment I lost my soul.
My will to hope and dream for something other than freedom.
Pushing the covers off me, I climb out of bed and walk out the door, knowing I will not be finding sleep again.
Not with how I am feeling.
Ella is sleeping. I usually find myself sneaking into her room and watching her sleep, but not tonight. Tonight, I will not let my demons get near her.
Instead, I take the steps, two at a time, and walk downstairs, needing a glass of water. The mansion is quiet at this time of night, with everyone asleep except the new security keeping guard outside the premises.
When I reach the last step, I take a turn and find the man that haunts me more than my nightmares, hunched over on the white extravagant sofa playing a game of chess by himself. I watch him move a piece on the board with his thick fingers in a strategic way.
Figures that this man is awake at the devil’s hour.
Black magic is what he is.
Although, there is something different about him tonight.
Something I can’t quite put my finger on.
From this far, he looks lost in thought, and from what I can tell, not pleasant ones.
Dammit, he’s so beautiful. Sometimes it's hard to even look at him.
Just like the sun.
Larger than life.
Shining so bright.
I find myself staring at him, and it feels as if I am looking at him for the very first time. Without the charming and condescending smile that I have grown to tolerate. Without the suit and all the pretenses that come with it.
Without the same walls, I have so high up all around my heart.
Here, at this moment, he looks less intimidating. Although, power oozes out of him no matter what he is wearing or how he looks.
It is like a second skin.
As if he was born with it.
Born to succeed.
Born to be on top.