Page 82 of Arianna

She rocked in the corner, silently asking for peace. For mercy. For her father not to be this way.

Holding onto hope.

However, hope was never kind to the three girls.

A ringing in her ear stops when the sweet giggle of a child drowns out the evil laughter and cries of pain.

It almost feels like serenity, something she has never felt before.

“Anna.” The child holds her tiny arms out for Arianna to hold her.

She holds her tightly and loves her.

Loves her like she has never loved before.

She wants to be good for her.

Less cold.

Less broke.

The baby girl’s laughter leaves her, and suddenly the room grows colder.

Then the child, too, disappears.

Leaving her cold.

Freezing and hallowed once again.

They are all gone.

Ellaiza’s sweet cries become desperate, sounding far away, almost like an echo.

Tears blurred Arianna’s vision, making it difficult to catch her breath.

The child’s cries pain her until she can’t hear her any longer.

Complete silence.

No warmth.

No peace.

“No. Please. No.”

* * *

I jolt upright with a choked gasp.

A rasp of pain.

“Christ.” My eyes dart around to take in my surroundings. My senses were shocked to find I was no longer tumbling through the fears and memories that tormented me, but rather, I was in the comfort of my bed in Sebastian’s house.

My breath comes out uneven, so I try to settle my racing heart.

Pale ribbons of white stream in through my bedroom window as the moon shines brightly outside, letting me know that it is still nighttime.

The clock on my nightstand reads 3:07.