Page 74 of Arianna

I love fashion and expensive things, as shallow as that might sound, but I don’t post on social media to flaunt it. It makes me feel like I am in control, as silly as that sounds. I didn’t have control of many things, and now I do. I get to be me and put that out to the world because I want to. I choose to and not because I must keep up with appearances like my parents made me do when I was younger.

I get to decide, and it makes me feel empowered.

That is something else I wouldn’t have had if it weren’t for the man that keeps popping up in my head when I don’t want him to.

“Where is Sebastian?” A nasal voice snaps from somewhere close to Ella and me. My eyes trail away from a babbling Ella in my lap and meet the source of the nauseating and condescending tone.

The woman from the papers.

Crazy eyes.

Sebastian’s secretary.

The woman is stunning, I must admit it, but she reeks of desperation and cattiness. A very ugly combination, I might add.

“And how would I know?” I look away from her and give all my attention to the little girl, currently smacking my cheeks as if they are her playing drums. I do know where Sebastian is, but it gives me satisfaction that this woman does not. “You’re the one who works for him.”

She huffs indignantly and walks closer to the sofa. Ellaiza pays her no mind when the woman tries to talk to her. Such a good girl, my Ella. Very clever of her to spot a bitch at such an early age.

The woman has never attempted to approach me in all the time she’s spent here with Sebastian. Today that he is not here, she does. How convenient.

“You’re the new nanny, right?” She says it with a look of pure distaste.

Oh, she’s a bitch. Okay.

She knows damn well I am not the nanny, but if she wants to play the spiteful game, we will play. I am very good at it.

“And aren’t you supposed to be with Sebastian in his meetings to fetch him his morning coffee?” I remind her of her place in his life, and at the same time, I get a jab in. I know who she is and what she does for the tyrant, and if she thought she could come here and belittle me and I would swallow my tongue, she was wrong.

I always bite back and enjoy it every time.

I smile when the woman’s eyes narrow at me, and her nostrils flare, clearly indicating that she didn’t take my words kindly. I know fetching coffee is not part of her duties, but I hit her where I wanted—her ego.

I continue bouncing Ella on my thighs, making her laugh, and I choose to believe my girl is laughing at the vindictive woman currently foaming at the mouth. Wow, just a little snarky comment pisses her off. Noted.

“No, pwetty, no.” Ella slaps my cheeks repeatedly, and I look down at her chubby face.

“I know, baby. I know,” I whisper to her, making sure it is loud enough for Sebastian’s secretary to hear. “Those shoes are hideous.”

“Look, you little—” Before she calls me an insolent little bitch, like I know she was planning to, Benjamin enters the living area.

“Celene, what are you doing here?” Benjamin’s tone is dry.

So her name is Celene.

She doesn’t look like a Celene.

More like a Gertrude or a Martha.

Benjamin steps forward and takes Ella from me, and I suppress the urge to snatch her back, already missing her warmth. He then turns to Celene with Ella safely tucked in his gigantic arms.

“Mr. Kenton was supposed to meet me at the office to go over tonight’s rally, but he never showed up and won’t return my calls or texts.” She sounds annoyed and a little bit flustered, too. Huh. In my case, I feel an odd sense of satisfaction knowing that not only has he communicated with me today, but he is also always the one to initiate any conversation between us.

Can’t say the same for her.

I pick up my phone, tune them out, and type a quick message to Sebastian.

Me: Your coffee fetcher is looking for you. You might want to answer those calls before she files a missing person report.