Deep, menacing, and full of hunger.
A wolf with an appetite for my life.
That is who he is.
The cocky man stands before me, and with one gesture of his hand, he dismisses the men around me until there is only us.
Facing one another.
Hardening my features, I give him nothing.
Only a blank look on my face.
Not the smile that I am sure he is used to from women.
He, on the contrary, regards me with a condescending grin that reveals perfectly straight-white teeth.
Of course, his smile would be perfect.
“Arianna Luna Parisi.” His grin fades, and so does the twinkle in his eyes. The same I witnessed when our eyes first met. Now, he looks at me with distaste, as if he is not pleased with what he sees. “It is a pleasure to be in your acquaintance finally.”
He, indeed, is not pleased.
Oh, well.
I bet the pervert was expecting someone younger. A child bride, perhaps?
Tough luck, imbecile, I think to myself as I meet his stare full-on.
I am glad he wiped that pretentious smile off his face.
The animosity that I can work with, but that look he gave me before. Whatever it was, I am not used to it. I am defenseless against it, and it freaks me out. I can’t allow it.
“Sebastian Kenton.” My father referred to this man as Bastian Kenton, but I refuse to be like everyone else that bows down to his royal ass and gives in to his every whim. “The pleasure is all yours.”
Something that looks a lot like amusement flashes in his eyes, but it quickly fades into hostility. His emotions give me whiplash. That is why I am not a fan of them. They make you stupid. “You may refer to me as Bastian or Mr. Kenton.”
So, the name is a touchy subject, is it? I will keep that in mind from now on. “And here I thought you would prefer it if I called you daddy.”
My nonna once told me my sarcastic mouth would one day get me into trouble. One day is here, and there is nothing else for me to lose, so trouble it is.
A small grin forms on the corner of his lips, but it does not reach his eyes. “I’ll have my hands full with you, won’t I, Arianna, or should I call you little girl?”
His hands full, he says?
If he is not careful, the next time he calls me a little girl, his ass may very well be full of my three-inch spike Gucci heel. Breathing through my nose, I save the insults and verbal spare for later. I need to be out of this city before I show this man all my cards.
My nonna also used to call me a trickster because I can make anyone believe what I want them to. To fool them and con my way to the top of the food chain, just like powerful men in our world do. I know now that is what I must do to survive this man.
To survive this new life that is being forced on me.
“Say goodbye to your old life, Parisi.” Sebastian buttons his suit jacket and then gives me his back, dismissing me as if I am one of the men that work for him. Anger rises, but I hold it down. All in due time. I must be clear-headed to face whatever this man has in store for me. “You’re in my world now.” As soon as he says that, a black aircraft moves towards us and opens its doors for us to board.
The pompous jerk walks up the plane's stairs, leaving me behind.