Page 19 of Arianna

Free of the dark future that awaits me.

And suddenly, everything makes sense. How calm Gabriele is acting and the solemn look on my sister’s face.

Suddenly, it all makes sense.

While I was busy trying to scheme my way out of this hellhole to save not only myself but my sisters as well… Kadra conspired against me.

She fell for our father’s manipulative tricks.

How could you, Sirius?

I walked through hell for you.

I bled for both of you.

In return, you made me your task.

Your sacrifice for the throne.

Her words replay in my head like a broken record.

“Hey, sis. Will we ever be free?”


Not after tonight.

Part of me feels betrayed, and the other part of me, the one that had to harden her heart and push her sisters aside to survive, understands. Still, it stings just the same.

Even at my worst, I still gave them what little I had left in my heart, and she threw it back in my face.

I would have never thought my sister would sell me out to the devil. That is exactly who my future husband is. The handsome devil in the senate with plans to run this country. His six-year term will end eventually, and his team has written a statement of his plans for the presidency. He needs a wife, my father said. A wife that will make him look approachable and help his playboy image. I feel only rage as I stare at everyone in the room. A rage that is slowly consuming my every thought and will soon corrupt my every action. The same rage makes me turn around and grab a blade from one of my family’s men. I am too fast, and before the soldier can stop me, I back away with the blade in hand as I turn to my sister and father. “This was all a ruse to get me here, wasn’t it?” I direct the question to my father. His uncaring expression only enrages me more. “You were aware this was happening, Arianna. Don’t act clueless now. It is not becoming of a lady.” He sits back down. “And watch your fucking tone when you’re speaking to me.” “Fuck you!” For the first time in my life, I curse my father aloud. In front of the Holy Trinity. I don’t care. As of today, he has no power over me. No, Senator Bastian Kenton does. The room goes completely silent as my father stands from his seat with a murderous look on his face. I am being reckless. Impulsive. Emotional. I don’t care. I am done. With a stronghold, I lift the blade to my neck, cut a chunk of my hair, and I throw it at my father’s feet. The room erupts in low murmurs.

They know exactly what this means. I am cutting my ties with the family. I might as well be a rat. I don’t give my father one more second of my time, and with the same blade, I cut more of my hair and throw it at my sister. It lands on the wall behind her. I could have hit her if I wanted to. She is a great shot, but I can hold my own. “And fuck you!” I shout at her. Frustrated with her lack of emotion. “I am done walking through fire for you! Both of you!” I scream for what I think is the first time in my life. I hate how my voice shakes. It shows weakness. I cannot afford that. With one last glance at my sister, I turn around with my head held high and my already broken heart leaving a trail of blood in my wake as I leave with the strange men.

At this moment, the girl I once was dies in this city.

I bury her with all my pain and my regrets.

In her place, a new me rises from the grave.

A girl who will not stop fighting until her last breath.


A Born-Again Bitch

“There is something beautiful

and terrible about his eyes. Those haunting blue eyes.” — A

“Hey, jackass, where are you taking me?” I kick the seat in front of me, but like every attempt I have made before this one, it goes unnoticed. No one has said a word to me since they dragged me out of the mansion.


The damn monkeys in suits.

I cross my arms and slump back in the black leather seat of the van that is taking me away from all I know. If I’m honest, I’m not sure whether to be upset and scream in frustration or if I should feel ecstatic that I’m finally away from the hell that was my home for eighteen years.