Page 132 of Arianna

“I never understood why my mother insisted we watch the full moon every December. I found it nothing special.” He says while something that looks a lot like adoration flashes in his eyes. “But now…now, I know why.”

I breathe out, heart beating a mile a second as if it wants to climb out of my chest down onto Sebastian’s lap. “Why is that?”

“Because there is not a more beautiful phenomenon than that of a full moon.” He says before smiling, stealing my breath. “It lights up the darkest night with its rare beauty. Just like you did with me.” Sebastian gently raises his hand and cups my face in an adoring gesture. “And as gloriously beautiful the full moon is, it doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

The overwhelming urge to kiss him takes over me, and I do. Leaning forward, I take his face in my hands and kiss him, as these thrilling yet scary feelings I have for him pour out of me with this kiss. Sebastian groans in my mouth, and then we break apart. Both of us were breathless as he stares at me with so many emotions flashing in his eyes. “Tell me to stop, Arianna.” He says roughly. “Say the word, and I won't go there, but know this.” The hand that was on my cheek moments ago drops down to my neck, where the necklace he gave me sits. “If you give yourself to me, there is no going back. There is no stopping this. You are mine.”

I search his eyes for a sign of deceit, but there is none. “I don't want you to stop,” I whisper close to his lips and watch his eyes turn dark with lust. “I don't know how or when it happened, but…” I breathe out, ready to share my truth with him, but he cuts me off. “Whose heart is this, darling?”

Afraid out of my mind of what this means for me. For us. I tell him the honest-to-God truth. “Yours.” I smile softly at him, pressing my forehead against his. “It’s yours, tyrant. Although, it is also a little bit mi–”

He chuckles, not letting me finish my sentence. Knowing where I was going with it. “Shut the fuck up, darling, and give it all to me.” With that, he takes my lips in his in a desperate and savage kiss that I feel down to my soul.

Warming my insides and breaking me at the same time as it makes me whole.

And that is what is so terrifying about this man.

He has the power to undo me and put me back together with the snap of his fingers.

We devour each other’s mouths for a second longer, and then Sebastian lays me down gently until my head hits a satin pillow. He looks down at me so tenderly, so reverently that it makes my heart beat steady, calm, and determined to focus on feeling this moment in his arms.

Maybe I am acting foolish, but all I know is that I trust him. Just like he has trusted me with his heart.

His daughter.

His life.

He doesn’t have to say it.

I see it.

I know.

With the little things he does, I know.

I should feel nervous, and to some extent, I am, but mostly I feel safe.

Here in this moment with him.

Sebastian presses his nose into my hair and says, “Relax, darling.” Leaning in, he gives me a hard kiss, swiping his tongue along my bottom lip before he pulls back. “I’ve got you.”

“I don’t know what I am doing. I neve–” I stop talking when I notice him looking smug as fuck when he learns I have never had sex before. I am not naive. I know he was made aware of my every move over the last two years, but he has no idea about the years he was not around.

“Good.” The smile widens when I narrow my eyes at his arrogant attitude. He then gently wraps his hand around my throat, his fingers playing with the diamond on my neck. His eyes now turn from soft to possessive. “I’ll teach you.” He squeezes my throat a little tighter, causing a soft moan to slip from my lips. I blush, cheeks burning red. “Do you like that, Arianna?”

“I do.” My chest rises and falls with force. I tell him the truth for the first time in a long time. I don’t hide behind sarcastic replies. At this moment, with him, I am me. I am free.

“Don’t be afraid to tell me when you don’t enjoy something. You speak up, and this stops.”

“I like everything you do to me, Sebastian.” I look at him unafraid, my heart swelling. “And if something ever feels wrong, you bet your sweet ass I’ll let you know.”

Sebastian pulls back, hovering over me, and starts tearing his clothes off. “That mouth of yours…”

“You did say you were going to teach it a lesson…” I taunt, loving how his blue-gray eyes grow intensely with the challenge.

“I will.” He smiles wickedly as I watch him unzip his pants. “Just not tonight. Tonight, I plan to teach you other things.” He looks down between my legs and bites his lips. Christ, the man knows what he is doing to me. When his long, thick length is set free, I hold in the moan that threatens to escape when I see the size of his cock. That can’t possibly fit inside of me.

“Do you like what you see?” Sebastian asks, not an ounce of arrogance in his tone. He asks curiously and gently. Perhaps he noticed I’ve suddenly become nervous after seeing his monster dick. All large, veiny, and slightly to the right.