Page 124 of Arianna

Tell her that cake and sugary treats are for happy girls.

But if she dared say that, she would most likely get a bruised cheek, or worse, one of her sisters could pay the price for her insolence.

“Do you honestly like it, or are you just pretending for our sake?” Mila whispers ever so softly while narrowing her pretty eyes at Arianna, looking at her big sister seriously.

“Anything you both give me, I love and treasure,” Arianna says truthfully, meaning it with her whole chest.

“One day?” Kadra looks down at their youngest sister, who is munching on a burnt piece of pancake, knowing it tastes like dirt, but eating anyway, not to hurt her sister’s feelings. Because that is who the three of them are.

They would do anything for one other.

Arianna looks at both her sisters, knowing down in her soul that one day might not come for her, but she vows to always fight for her sisters even when they don't see it themselves.

Even when they find themselves on opposite side of a war.

“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you…” The sweetest, most angelic voices break through the silence in the room in a whisper. The youngest Parisi sings happily to her sister, unaware of the turmoil that lives inside of her, but unknowingly soothing it with her sweetness and grace. “Happy birthday, beautiful sister. Happy birthday to you…”

* * *

A hard slap to my cheek wakes me from my dream. My eyes flutter open while rubbing my cheek. I find a sweet but naughty face smiling at me while holding one pink balloon in her tiny hand.

“Me day! Me day!” Ella hands me the balloon and sings while bending her short legs and dancing on my stomach. Groaning, I sit up, grab her by the waist, and throw her up in the air making her giggle.

The pain in my heart that was there a second ago from the painful dream fades when this beautiful little girl laughs and looks at me the way she is now.

Since meeting Ellaiza, it has felt like I have been born again.

I see things through her eyes.

Hopeful eyes.

Everything seems less droll and more vivid. More hopeful.

My ears hear different sounds.

My heart beats to a different melody.

All because of her and the man who gave me her.

Her father.

“Anna, Anna.” Ella frees herself from my grip and stands, holding onto my shoulder and pointing at the ceiling with a grin.

With a warm and happy heart, I look up to find dozens of pink and gold balloons all over the room. A huge letter E made of pink roses sitting on the corner of the room, close to the balcony doors, and countless bags and a few toys for Ella.

Baby girl’s birthday is today.

Grabbing her, I tickle her belly while kissing her soft cheek. “Happy birthday, little girl.”

Ella shakes her wild curls, laughing like a lunatic while saying between breaths. “Big girl. Me big girl!”

“Oh, well, excuse me.” Ella throws her head back to look at me. “My mistake, then. You are a big girl now.”

The brat turns three today, and while I still have to wipe her ass, she'll be a little girl. I won't be telling her that, though. “Issa k.” Ella sasses, and I roll my eyes playfully at her.

Then the suite's door burst open to reveal Benjamin holding a tiny pink cake, grinning like a fool. “The birthday girl is up! Great, now we can eat cake for breakfast, little lady.” Benjamin’s voice booms as he steps closer to the bed.

“Cak!!!!!” Ellaiza screeches while jumping in bed. I keep a hold of her tiny frame to keep her from falling face flat off the bed. Then, I look up at Benjamin with a what the hell is wrong with you look. He knows it is not my birthday. It is Ella’s day, not mine. Before I can whisper that to him, Ellaiza’s father walks in, looking as handsome as ever in a three-piece suit this early in the morning while holding a bigger cake in his hands.