However, what looks more stunning on them are those smiles.
Those infectious smiles pierce my heart and leave me wanting more.
More laughs.
More smiles.
More of them.
Ellaiza screeches and raises her little arms above her head, imitating her best friend. Because that is exactly who Arianna has become to my daughter.
Her person.
Her best friend.
And it melts the remaining ice around my heart.
My phone vibrates in my pocket, and so does my smartwatch. Taking a quick look, I see a missed call and instantly recognize the area code.
Sending the call to voicemail, I keep driving through the streets of Paris with both of my girls. One happily clapping at the other’s bizarre antics, and the other singing along to a song I don’t recognize. A pop song about kissing in the rain and screaming some man’s name.
We drive for an hour while Benjamin trails behind us in a black van, making sure no one gets close enough to hurt them.
The paparazzi here in Paris are nothing like the ones in other countries, especially the States. They do snap photos and follow us, but they haven’t yet tried anything like crowding us. All the other foreign countries I travel to don’t care that I am a politician, but they care about my businesses and the money my name generates for the gossip tabloids.
Pulling over, I halt the white 1967 Ford Mustang convertible I rented for the afternoon on the curve, and through the rearview mirror, I see Banning pull up behind me. I put the brakes on the car and leave it running. I drop a kiss on my daughter’s head and lean forward to press a soft kiss on Arianna’s lips, taking her by surprise. I am done overthinking, and there is no point in fighting the disease that is this girl. I am positive there is no cure.
Opening the driver’s door, I climb out and wait for Banning to take my spot. I swiftly walk to her side. She frowns while she pouts in a mean way, in that face she makes drives me insane and raising my blood pressure. “And where are you going?” she asks while playing with Ellaiza’s small hand. My heart always warms at the sight of them together. My daughter deserves it, and so does Arianna.
Smiling down at her, I tell her. “Something that needs my attention came up. Go with Banning, and I will meet you back at the hotel.” I give my right-hand man a look that tells him all he needs to know without me having to voice it.
“Fine. We will see you later, then.” Arianna smiles while putting her sunglasses back on and looking straightforward. The brat. Grabbing her chin, I make her look at me.
“Good girl.” I tap her on the nose, and her frown deepens before she bares her teeth at me. Stepping back from her before I do something that I will not regret later. Not at all. I hand her my credit card. “Have fun, and try not to get into much trouble, yes?”
“Can’t make any promises, tyrant.” she sasses. Then I hand Banning the keys, not missing the knowing look my man throws our way.
I look at both my girls one more time before stepping back. I watch as Banning revs the engine and leaves with them.
I pull my phone out of my dress pants pocket and scroll through the missed calls. I will handle whatever issues Detroit has when I return to the States, not now. She is safe with me. Everything else could burn for all I care.
I stroll back to the SUV, hop on, call the man that has been blowing up my phone since this morning and drive off.
“Bonjour, mon ami,” Sandoval answers with a fucked-up French accent.
“Is there a reason why you have been calling me nonstop this morning? Or are you just in the mood to piss me off?”
“Both.” Thiago chuckles while I hear the distinct sound of a glass clinking. The asshole has been drinking more than usual, but that is to be expected after everything he has been through. If what happened to him happened to me, I would drink myself into an early grave. “You've been all over the news lately and with a pretty-young thing. It looks fun, although young pussy is not my kink.”
“Sí?” Yes?
“I suggest you shut your fucking mouth, or the next time I see you, I will make Armando cut off your tongue.”
Thiago chuckles darkly, “The big bastard would never, Seba, and you know it.”
Sighing, I pay attention to the road ahead, driving towards the hotel. “Tell me what you need to say and fuck off.”