From now, every single dream her heart conjures will be within reach.
Air wheezed from her lungs. “Why? What changed?” She forces out.
“Everything.” It cracks through the quiet, dense air.
We both stand there, with my child between us and a whole city waiting for us behind Arianna. A million questions surround us.
At this instant, I don’t know which of us the gravity is. Which one compelled the other because I knew right that second, I would follow her anywhere.
Rich locks of blonde hair flow around her precious face. Her green, childlike eyes were alight, flames dancing in their depths. No longer cold or detached, but hopeful.
The tiniest, sweetest breath escapes her full, pink lips when she whispers. “Sebastian.”
And I knew right there that my world would no longer look gray because this girl was every color known to man exploding all at once.
Reaching out, I trace her lips with the pad of my thumb, urging her to look up at me.
Flames danced and played around us.
Ready to consume me.
“Arianna,” I said her name like a prayer for an unholy man.
A praise.
Laced with affection and possession.
“D-do you think…” she takes a deep breath before carrying on. “Do you think I was always destined to end up right here? With you?” She rasps. “Or was it all a stroke of luck? Is it all a dream?” she looks at me with an expression that slayed me right through.
“All I know, darling. All I am certain of is that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.” Looking down at my little girl and then back up at the woman who is turning my world on its axis, I speak. “Right where you belong.”
I mean it.
I meant every word.
Because not only is this perfect creature the brightest moon in my sky, but also all the stars are hidden in a vast cosmos.
That is the only thing I can see.
* * *
Paris is breathtakingly beautiful any day, but Paris in the winter? It is out of this world magical. Yes, it is very cold in December, so much so that we have been dressing in layers to keep us warm while we tour the city.
Ella looks like a cute white teddy bear, all cozy in her Channel baby jacket and a matching beanie hat with two ears on top.
She looks scrumptious, and everyone that passes us while we walked the streets of Paris thought so, too, since most stopped to stare and point at her while their faces melted with tenderness.
Yes, that is the Ella effect.
On the other hand, for this weather, I chose a white turtleneck and paired it with some jeans and black high-heeled shoes.
The black trench coat and matching wool hat were a must.
Simple yet very Parisian.