My mother.
My child.
And now this girl is turning my world upside down, and she is unaware of it.
The girl named Arianna Luna with a light that burns brighter than the sun. How ironic.
After a long silence, I speak first. “Did you do what I asked?”
Banning sighs and then says. “Of course. It is all set. Waiting for her when she gets home.”
Sometimes I forget they spent two years together with only each other. If I were another type of man, I would feel threatened by it, but there was no one better to keep her safe from harm, and that is all I asked.
Still, deep down, I can’t help feeling jealous over the fact that he now knows parts of her that I am estranged to.
“Alright, I am hanging up.” I look out the car’s window, but there is no sign of her. After walking down the stage, she took her seat, but now with the crowd standing and roaring in celebration, I’d lost sight of her. “Take care of her.”, I order.
“With my life, boss.”
I believe him.
Not only is Banning a better man than I am, but he is the most qualified of my men and the one that would walk through fire to keep us all from harm.
He has a good heart, and that will always make him a better man than me.
“They’re ready to split my skin open
and feast on my bones.” – A
“Did you enjoy yourself, kid?” As soon as we step foot inside the beach house, Benjamin puts a paper crown on top of my head. The same one he got from the restaurant he took me to after the graduation ceremony. For the third time tonight, I snatch it from my head, but this time I tear it apart without breaking eye contact.
“I did until you started taking so many pictures and annoying the hell out of me,” I murmured while taking my heels off and dropping them on the kitchen counter. Benjamin laughs and starts making sure the house is locked. He does this every night before we go to sleep like clockwork. I don’t think anyone would be dumb enough to trespass this place if they knew what awaited them. During the first couple of days of living together, I snooped through his things, not sure if I should completely trust Benjamin, I concluded that he is not a regular bodyguard. The things he does for Sebastian, I am sure, are not taught in any police academy. The man is a beast, and I am not talking just about his physical attributes and how he handles a gun, but he is also very smart and clever when it comes to his job. With everything else, not so much, bless him.
But it does not matter because the man is loyal and… so damn kind, which at times, okay most of the times, irks me since I am still not used to such kindness and how to respond to half the things he does for me.
However, I am trying, and he has noticed too.
We are comfortable around each other.
So much so that we can throw jabs at one another, and no one gets offended.
It is playful, and that is another aspect of this new me I am coming to terms with.
I can be myself with him without being judged or mistreated for it.
“Will it kill you to say thank you?” Benjamin laughs.
I grumble while inspecting my nails. A girl came with the styling team and did them for me. Nothing too over the top. I like my style as I do everything else. Classy and not trashy. “You know it just might.”
He laughs while messing with the last lock on the front door before coming my way with a serious look on his face. “I am glad you enjoyed yourself today.”