The problem is choosing.
So far, the women that Celene has presented do absolutely nothing for me.
They don’t even inspire me to hold a conversation with them, let alone share my life with them for a certain amount of time.
Some have never been around a child a day in their lives.
I am regretting this already.
Suddenly becoming aware that Parisi is still on the line, “Please tell me why that is any of your business and what is the reason for your call? I’m a very busy man.” I would rather shoot myself in the eye than entertain this clown.
I can feel the tension through the phone. This asshole is used to being respected and feared. He will get none of that from me. “I believe we have a pending discussion.” He draws obnoxiously. Listening to Gabriele is the equivalent of having a drill on the side of your head.
“We don’t. I made my point clear the last time we spoke. I have no interest in getting in bed with Detroit. My business is with Chicago and its boss.”
“Ah, Sandoval.” Gabriele clicks his tongue, resembling the snake he truly is. He has been trying relentlessly to get me to allow him safe passage to Chicago, so he can bring his dirty business here. I refuse him at every turn. Not because I cannot make it happen. There is nothing I cannot do. I have connections in the police department, and they often turn a blind eye when illegal activities come into the city because they get a generous cut.
We have an understanding.
The good and the bad guys of this city.
Sadly, we are all more rotten than good.
I might be many things, but a rat like the Parisi boss is not one of them. This city is mine just as much as it is Sandoval’s, and Gabriele is aware of that, yet he refuses to let the issue go.
“Yes, Sandoval. If you want his business, then I suggest you take it up with him, but something tells me he already turned you down, and so you come to me.” Before he gets a word in, I quickly get to the point, hoping this imbecile drops the issue. “Now, before you try something else, my answer is still no.”
He laughs. “I believe I have something you want, Mr. Kenton.”
“I highly doubt it.” I hover my index finger over the red button on the phone’s panel, ready to end the call. “Goodbye, Gabriele.”
“My eldest daughter.” He is no longer amused. He sounds desperate. I knew the three families were having issues securing business outside of Detroit, not only because of Sandoval but the Russian and Irish, too. I didn’t realize it was that bad that they are willing to sell their daughters to the highest bidder to secure business.
It does not surprise me.
This filth of a human has always proven to be the scum of the earth.
His time is coming.
I am just biding my time, figuring out what would hurt him more.
A bullet to the head will not make him suffer.
I want him to bleed.
Strip him of what matters most to him.
His title.
His money.
His name.
His legacy.