Heaven on Earth.
At least for a little girl who at one point dreamed with her little heart about this.
I stand there rooted in place, my heart beating rapidly with excitement, wonder, and God’s many questions. A feeling I have come to associate with Sebastian Kenton.
A stable.
A horse stable.
Built of black wood and stone floors.
Simple, yet classic.
A safe space for the animals.
The small building is divided into separate stalls
Only two animals are visible from here.
A white horse with a long and full mane, and a black one.
I don’t precisely know the breeds, but from what I come to know about horses, I am thinking the black one is a Stallion.
“This cannot be happening.” I breathe out. Sebastian must be some kind of freak that knows everything. “What kind of black magic are you made of?”
Sebastian looks at me, bored but with a subtle smile on his face. “I am a very resourceful man, darling.” He shrugs as if it is nothing. “Besides, you should know by now that there’s nothing I don’t know about you.”
“That’s kind of creepy since I don’t know that much about you. It’s not fair.”
“Life’s not fair. We’ve established this.” He moves forward closer to the exotic creature. “You just need to ask.” He stops and looks over his broad shoulder at me with a look I have come to know so well. Amusement and tenderness. “Come meet Bliss.”
Oh, heart, you are in for a world of hurt with this one.
He grins, and then leaves me standing there wondering what he is talking about when he approaches the white horse. “Yes.” Sebastian pets the animal tenderly. “She’s yours. Don’t be rude, darling. Come.”
With my heart in my hand, I walk towards the stable where Bliss is.
Did this man say the stunning white horse is mine?
He did.
“She is a Lipizzan horse.” Sebastian urges me closer. “Known as the horse of royalty. She fits you, don’t think?” My eyes leave beautiful Bliss and clash with his intense blue ones.
“She is stunning.” I croak out.
“Yes, she is.” He won’t look away from me. Why won't he look away? Please look away… I am afraid once you look deep inside, he’ll see all the ugly that I hide. “Happy Birthday, Arianna.”
“My birthday is not for two weeks. You should be celebrating Ella, not me.” I say breathlessly, choked up with emotion. No one has ever cared. Only my sisters. My birthday was just another day for me. Nothing special. Nothing to celebrate.