It hasn’t stopped since.
The damage control that is needed to combat every vile speculation from the media and my political adversaries is not only exhausting but also frankly irritating.
At this moment, I have one job, and that is to put my best smile on, speak half-truths, and let Celene handle the rest.
She is not only my secretary but also my legislative correspondent.
One thing I learned from watching my father, Ronan Kenton, through the years, first as District Attorney, then as Senator as he dove into a political career, is that the moment I took the oath of office, I lost my privacy to the people.
I am no longer entitled to my privacy.
I knew this, and I made my peace with it.
What I find ludicrous is the absurd notion that I need a woman by my side to keep the people pleased with my duties and service to the city.
My romantic life should not be their concern, and it does not affect my duties.
However, the media and my political adversaries joined forces to discredit me now that the people of the United States of America elected me as their senator.
While I was campaigning, they tried to create a false narrative of me not being the right choice for this city because of my career as a criminal defense lawyer. Before I decided to enter the world of politics, I was considered one of the most cutthroat lawyers in the country, representing not only celebrities but politicians as well.
I still own one of the most prestigious and successful firms in this city, but it was time I aspired for more, just like my father.
My mistake was being young and cocky. I never lost a case, not once. My winning streak made me notorious and eventually went to my head.
A different woman every night.
Long nights drinking after winning a high-profile case.
Now, my past activities are being thrown back in my face as vulgar gossip.
Mainstream media is trying to appeal to the more conservative group of individuals with the ideal that I don’t represent their values.
Of course not.
I am a criminal defense lawyer turned politician.
A corrupt one, at that.
I lied.
I cheated.
I don’t share the same values as half of my constituents.
My father put his country before his party, which was his demise. He was a good man and an even better politician. Did they give a fuck about that? No. They only care about money, power, and their political agendas. That is all.
Ronan Kenton had a Purple Heart.
He served his country, not only overseas but in the line of duty, but then proceeded to give everything else to his country when he became a senator.
I don’t deny it, but I will also not allow the media to dictate my life and my term.
I have big shoes to fill, not only in the media’s eyes but for the public as well. I don’t intend to follow the same path as my father. He was an honorable man, but I am not.
He loved his job and genuinely enjoyed helping others.
I don’t.