I kick open my door, sending Mildred squawking to the other side of my kitchen.

I carry Bianca over the threshold, firmly ignoring the sense of triumph. The sense of possessiveness. But she has only come for one night, so she won’t freeze to death. I am not bringing home a bride. There is not enough good fortune in the world to grant me such a treasure.

Reluctantly, I set her down in her weird shoes, a groan building in my chest when I see her in the lamp light of my kitchen. God almighty, sheglows. And her eyes are a light, foggy green, her flesh so appetizing, my hands curl into fists. I need to get out to the barn. Soon.

“What does that mean?” She quirks a blonde brow. “You don’t have the skills to court a woman? You mean…flirting?”

“No. I mean…I’ve never lain with one before. I own a farm, so I know the mechanics of sex. Mating. But I…” My face is red hot. I can’t believe I’m saying any of this out loud, especially to this incredible girl. “Well, after I fixed up the farm, my plan was to drive into town and find a woman to practice with. So when it came time to bed my wife, I’d do it right.”

Why are her titties rising and falling so fast in that leather contraption?

A man could die happy sucking on them, but I can’t possibly be that man.

Was she sent here to drive me stark raving mad?

“I…I see,” she whispers. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I…I h-haven’t…either.”

My dick releases a spurt of moisture down the legs of my overalls. Son of a gun, the dam is about to burst. This pretty, little angel is a virgin. “Sorry, ma’am,” I choke out. “I’m needed out in the barn.”


She looks around my kitchen, wringing her hands. “Where…where should I sleep?”

“Take my bed,” I say, trying to sound normal and failing. “Down the hallway to the right. I’ll bunk down in the barn.”

“It’s cold out there.”

“I’m a hearty man, Bianca.”

“But…you’re just going to split? Leave me in this unfamiliar house with the chicken?”

“Bianca,please.You are wreaking havoc on my body. I have to relieve myself.”

She snaps her mouth shut. “You’re going out to the barn to…to…”

“Let out the pain. Yes. I can’t wait much longer.” It’s not a gentlemanly thing to do, but I can’t go another second without gripping my cock through the denim of my overalls, rubbing my hard flesh roughly, hissing through my teeth. “You have stirred me up but good, darlin’. I don’t want to offend you with what I’m about to do. It wouldn’t be right.”

Pink spots stain her cheeks as she watches the crude actions of my hand. The furious, frustrated stroking of a big, ugly man who has encountered a ripe, young women with barely any clothes to speak of. “This is your house, Dusty,” she whispers. “You shouldn’t have to leave.”

“Please, I don’t have much time,” I pant.

“It’smedoing that to you?”

“Oh, darlin’.” My laugh is pained, deep. “You do this to every man. Maybe you just don’t witness the consequences.”

“The thing is…you are twice my size. And it hasn’t occurred to you that…”


“You could have me.” She backs up a pace, her fingers curling around the edge of my kitchen table. “I wouldn’t be able to stop you.”

I suck in a breath so horrified that it razes my throat. “I would never touch an unwilling woman. You told me you aren’t warming my bed tonight, Bianca, and I will never, ever cross your boundaries.” I pound a fist to my chest. “That is written in stone.”

“Oh,” she whispers, seemingly shaken. “Oh my.”


She shakes her head. “Nothing. It’s just that you’re…a good man. I don’t think there are very many of you left, Dusty.”