Page 7 of The Flame

Rissa led Amira and Winsome to the center of the room where they all clasped hands. Lifting their hands up toward the open roof, Rissa began a chant, then Winsome chimed in and finally Amira was chanting as well. A blue aura closed around the women and held tight. The chant was an ancient one, only known to the Shaman’s of the tribes. Their combined melodic voices echoed in the room of the lost mountain. Soon the echoes drifted out through the hole and the chant was dispatched by the winds.

The noise of the chant grew within the chamber until the walls seemed to vibrate. Then the chant ended and the silence almost deafened the men for a moment. Then the blue light slowly swirled as it dissipated upward through the roof to disappear.

The women seemed to be in a zombie state as they didn’t move or speak for several minutes.

Luther moved forward to see if they were all right.

One of Rissa’s council stopped him as he whispered close to his ear, “No please wait. The chant of the calling takes a lot out of them and they have to come back on their own. The chant releases a part of their souls into the winds and if they don’t come back, it could be lost forever. Don’t touch them. Allow their souls to return.”

Luther looked back at his men and the wolves there as he shook his head. His hands curled into fists and he waited. He didn’t like it but he waited.

Finally, the women seemed to come out of their stupor.

Amira stumbled and Luther rushed to catch her. “Whoa sweetheart, easy does it.” He helped her stand and held her a moment before reluctantly letting her go.

Rissa studied them for a moment then blanked her expression. She turned to her council and announced, “It is done. Now, we wait for the People to respond.”

Chapter Four

Rissa’s council helped her down a stone hall to her old quarters and when they arrived, Rissa opened the door and they all walked into a homey setting. It had a seating area and a curtained area they assumed held a bed chamber.

Luther and his men were surprised that all of this was even here. They never knew this mountain had an interior cavern system, let alone living areas and chambers like the one they’d found Winsome in.

It appeared it had many secrets and maybe a few more than just this.

As Rissa and Winsome sat down, Rissa closed her eyes and was still for a moment. She opened her eyes and looked at Amira. “They are back and this time, they have more friends with them.

Amira closed her eyes and held out her hands at her sides. She concentrated on Milo’s aura and she found him quickly. She paused for a moment then said, “I don’t think they are friends. Milo is afraid of them for some reason.”

“He must have been found out by his loan shark friends.” Diesel growled.

“Or they just found him,” Luther suggested as he turned to Rissa. “Is the mountain hidden from the loan sharks? Or can they see it?”

Rissa shrugged. “Only the wolves cannot see the mountain. If they are not wolves, then they can see it. But they cannot find their way inside... The mountain will stay closed to prying eyes of greed and avarice.”

“What about the men we left behind at the clubhouse?” Luther asked in concern. “They are out there alone.”

Rissa smiled. “You don’t give your men enough credit, young man. They are able to protect their home.”

“I know.” Luther sighed. “But that’s a fight we all need to battle.”

Rissa nodded. “Yes, I understand that but we need you here at the moment. Milo has been inside this mountain and he knows some of its secrets. But he can’t see it now. It’s possible that he called in these men to show him where the mountain is.”

“Will he be able to find his way in if he can get close enough?” Steel wanted to know.

Rissa shook her head. “No, the way in is scrambled. There are many tunnels. Only if you know where you are going can you find your way. Some tunnels will take you deep within the mountain and you could get lost very easily. Some of the tunnels go very deep into the earth and you might never find your way out.”

“And the gold?” Diesel asked. “Is it well hidden?”

Rissa nodded. “Very well.”

Luther growled and fisted his hands. “I hate sitting and doing nothing.” Suddenly, his hand burned and he looked down to see his hands were on fire. “Damnit!” he shouted out as he shook his hands but the fire only grew.

Rissa got to her feet and yelled at him, “You must clear your mind of the rage you feel, that’s the only way to stop the fire.”

Luther tried but he couldn’t quite do it.

Moving toward him, Amira reached him and cupped her hands on both sides of his face. She looked him in the eyes and whispered, “Clear the rage from your heart. Everything happens for a reason.”