Page 5 of Fire And Ice

Luther nodded. “Mornin darlin.” Shaking his head he drawled, “So after we chased you off yesterday, I didn’t think you’d be stupid enough to come back so soon.” He turned and looked at the three men still sleeping not far away. “And you brought friends too, I see.”

She studied him for a moment. “We didn’t come here to vex you and yours. I told you yesterday, the mountain called me here. This is where I was born.”

Luther nodded. “I remember, but we told you this land belongs to us and we don’t like trespassers. And you darlin, are trespassing.”

She tilted her head as she looked up at him. “First of all, I’m not your darlin, in any way shape or form and second, we’re just passing through. We aren’t bothering you in any way shape or form and as soon as the guys are up, we’re moving on.”

“And just where are you going?” Luther asked her.

“We’re going closer to the mountain.”

Luther shook his head. “And that’s another problem. That mountain is part of the property that belongs to the club. You’d still be trespassing on club land.” He motioned for his men to come in.

Suddenly, the MC men surrounded the camp.

Diesel nudged one of the men awake with his foot.

When the man he’d booted saw them standing there, slapped the two other men awake.

Luther stood and held out his hand to assist the girl to her feet.

Amira reluctantly took his hand and when she touched him, she felt a spark of electricity between them. She drew her hand back and looked at him. She saw he too, was shocked by the small jolt.

He stepped back and let her get up alone then he watched as they broke camp.

As she carried her packs over to her horse, she thought she felt eyes on her. Amira looked around at the dusk shadows and she thought she saw a figure move into her line of sight. She gasped. She knew that walk. As she stared in that direction, she saw his red eyes glaring at her.

She glanced over at Kinsen, Trent, and Jacks but they were busy packing their gear. When she looked back, the lone figure was gone. He had stepped back into the shadows. Amira didn’t know what to do.

She grabbed her horse’s reins to walk her horse back the way they had come. Along the way, she kept glancing back to see if she had seen right before. Nevertheless, while she felt his eyes on her, she couldn’t see him anymore.

When they got back to the clubhouse, Kinsen cleared his throat and looked at who they thought was the man in charge here. “Can I ask you a question?”

He nodded.

“Can you actually see the mountain she’s talking about?” Kinsen asked.

The lead man tucked his head back and glared at him. “Are you serious? It’s a damned mountain range. Hell yeah, we can see it.” He raised a dark brow at him. “What the hell kinda question is that?”

Kinsen looked over at Trent and Jacks, but he never said a word. He went to get on his horse.

The head guy shook his head. “Naw, you guys aren’t leaving yet, not until we have a parley about why you came here in the first place. We told you yesterday not to come back but you did anyway. I want to know why.”

“What is it about that fuckin’ mountain that has you keep coming back here?’ The one standing next to the leader growled.

None of them answered his question. They simply stared back at him.

Chapter Three

Luther shook his head and motioned toward the door when no one answered Diesel’s question.

The girl and the others tied their horses to a tree and together, they walked into the clubhouse.

Swag was sitting at the table with the rest of the club when they walked in. He looked up and gasped at the woman and her blue hair. He scrambled to his feet and took a step or two back. He just couldn’t stop staring at her.

Luther saw his reaction and called him out, “Swag, what the hell are you doing?”

Swag shook his head and finally turned to look at his president. “Sorry boss, but I was stunned by the color of her hair.”