Page 9 of Fire And Ice

She simply stared at him, but her complexion was now looking normal again. “I have my reasons.”

Luther growled under his breath. “These vague answers are not going to cut it!” He stomped over to the door and went outside. Maybe this grandpa fucker could clear this up or at least take her back to where the hell she came from.

Luther went over to where the old man stood with Scout. “She refuses to see you.”

The older man flushed with rage at his words. He glared at Luther. “This is the best you can do? Get that little bitch out here.”

Luther raised an eyebrow at him. “You seem awful bossy for a man that has no rights to demand anything from us.”

“She’s my granddaughter and I demand to see her!” He growled.

Luther just stared at the older man. He now didn’t care about getting this cantankerous fucker to take her home. He was obviously not a kind, doting type of grandfather and he did not look like he would be helpful in this situation, in any way. “Like I said, you’ve got no power here to demand anything. She said she didn’t want to see you and I think you need to leave now.”

“You guys don’t know who you are messing with here,” he muttered.

“No Griffen,” Amira yelled from the door as she stood there in a fine rage. “It’s you who doesn’t know who you’re dealing with here.”

Griffen took a good hard, long look at her and noticed a change in her demeanor. She was no longer a scared child or a demure woman she’d been days ago. He sneered at her. “So you finally found your backbone huh? Well, fuckin bully for you.”

She took a step forward. “Why are you here old man? You told me days ago to get out. That I’d never been part of the group and I never would be.”

“And you never would have fit in with the rest of us.” Griffen snarled. “You’re nothing but a half breed and that is all you’ll ever be.”

“Then why did you come here after me? Demanding to see me?” she asked.

“That’s between you and me, not the rest of the rabble to know.” Griffen looked around at the bikers. “They don’t need to know our business.”

The MC men all glared at him.

Luther scoffed. “Looks like this business as you call it, has come to our attention. And again, I remind you. This is our land, our house.”

Amira glanced over at him then looked back at her grandfather. “I’m not going anywhere with you. You and your son have done nothing but lie to me my whole life and I’m sick of living that lie.” She leaned closer and told him, “And if I’m a half breed, you can thank your son for that. If you don’t like that fact then take it up with him.”

“I can’t!” Griffen snarled. “He’s dead, thanks to you.”

“That’s just another lie, isn’t it old man?” Amira called him out. “I saw him yesterday, standing there at the edge of our camp, bold as brass and he was very much alive.”

Griffen paused and glared at her. “Now who’s lying?”

“You are, old man,” Amira grumbled. “You’ve known he’s still alive this whole time. I think it’s time you took yourself out of here. You demanded to see me and you saw me, now get out.”

“I’ll go but not because you told me to, you ungrateful bitch.” Griffen glared at her. He turned to go.

Amira called out to him, “Oh and Grandpa, tell my father that my grandmother is on her way back and this time, he will feel her fury. I have a feeling you will too.”

Griffen turned around to stare at her and then he stomped away.

Chapter Five

Luther turned to study her for a moment and shook his head. “That man is seriously pissed up and pissed off. I’d worry about him if I were you, darlin.”

Amira shrugged. “I got more important things to worry about and I think those worries might be coming here.”

“Here?” Luther looked at her. “What things are we talking about?”

Amira looked around at the landscape as she spoke, “There were some rumors going around about my father. As I understand it, he liked to gamble and he wasn’t very good at it. He ended up owing a lot of money to some rather unsavory characters. We think he faked his own death to get out of paying those debts off.”

Luther snorted. “Well, at least that makes sense. The rest of this doesn’t.” He stared at her.