Page 33 of Brutal Loyalty

Elena already knew how that would go. She’d seen how her father treated those who were no longer of use to him. It would be even worse if he was actively angry with her. If it was only her, she might take her chances and run, but her father was evil enough that he would do something much worse to her mother and Elena would be to blame. She wouldn’t be able to live with herself if something else happened to her mother.

To keep her mother safe, Viktor Sokolov would have to die after all.

“This is your only warning,” Mikhail said. He stepped away then, leaving her to catch her breath and come to peace with what she was about to do. She’d found happiness with the enemy, and now she had no choice but to trade it away. Her life was already forfeit, but if she could save her mother from any more cruelty, she would do what was necessary.

Elena hurried back across the grounds, entered the Sokolov estate, and headed to her bedroom. Paranoia gripped her, plaguing her mind with troubling thoughts.

What if someone had seen?

Would there be questions?

Would she be forced to leave? Or worse…

With tears building in her eyes and desperation in her chest, she tore through her belongings. Behind the lining of the suitcase, sewn up expertly, was a switchblade. She wrenched the lining open, grabbed the blade, and sat heavily on the side of her bed.

Elena knew she was fucked either way. If she didn’t go through with the attempt, her father would pull her from the mansion and punish both her and her mother. If she stayed, and someone caught her, she would be in just as much trouble. Either way, she was dead, but maybe her mother would have a chance.

Elena let out a shuddering breath and turned the switchblade over in her palms. She was still too on edge to leave the room to go find Viktor. Tears rolled down her cheeks and gathered along the edge of her jaw, then fell in fat drops onto her shirt. Viktor made her friend Alexandra happy in ways Elena would never have been able to understand before she’d met Roman.Roman!What Elena had to do would destroy his life as well. These people had welcomed her into their home even when they’d had doubts as to her loyalty.

Now, she was about to prove them right in the worst way possible.

Elena blinked the tears from her eyes, struggling to calm her blood, and found the courage to stand. She caught her reflection in the full-length mirror and walked toward it. Reaching up, she tried to smooth her shirt and found it was torn where Mikhail had grabbed her. Then she saw her wrist, which was already showing bruising on her fair skin. She thought of her mother, with her paper-thin skin. She wouldn’t survive anything her father might think to do to her. Closing her eyes, she took several breaths, each one growing deeper. Opening her eyes, she looked at herself in the mirror again, the decision made.

With a nod to herself, she exited the room, then made her way toward the bedroom Viktor shared with Alexandra. They hadn’t been married long—they were supposed to have their whole lives in front of them. Alexandra, still so young and hopeful, was supposed to enjoy decades with her husband. One day, he would have made her a mother. Elena could only imagine how happy her friend would have been with a baby on her hip, her eyes full of love for her growing family.

Elena was going to take that from her. She was going to steal her best friend’s happily ever after at the same time that she destroyed her own. And Roman’s.

Hand trembling, Elena clutched the knife tighter than she had before. She tucked it for the most part up her sleeve, the cool metal tight against the skin of her wrist. It was a constant reminder of the job she had to do.

“Excuse me!” a small voice called from down the hall. Elena stopped. Her heart jumped into her throat. “Ms. Popov?”

Elena turned. One of the Sokolov maids was on her way down the hall, a smile on her face. Elena didn’t know her name, but she recognized her from the times they’d passed in the halls. The maid carried a set of sheets under her arm.

“Yes?” Elena managed.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you. I know that you’re busy. It’s just…I was wondering if I should have your belongings moved? Maybe it’s a little presumptuous of me, but you’re a part of the family now, and I noticed you’ve been…well…you know.” She smiled kindly. “It wouldn’t be any problem to move you into your gentleman’s room. Viktor has already been discussing it.”

“Oh.” Elena plastered a fake smile onto her face. “That’s kind of you to ask. For now, I think I’m happy where I am. A girl needs her privacy every now and then, new as things are.”

“Oh, of course, of course.” The maid chuckled. She tucked a gray strand of hair behind her ear. “Well, if you change your mind, you let me know. I’ve been working for the Sokolovs since I was small, and let me tell you, there is nothing I love more than seeing the men I’ve worked for and come to know as family find their happiness. I’m so glad that our Roman has found you. And I’m glad you found your way to us.”

“I’m glad, too,” Elena choked out. The words had been hard to speak, and Elena was surprised she’d gotten them out at all without bursting into tears. “Thank you for making me feel so welcome.”

“Any time.” There was a moment’s pause, and then the maid shook her head. “I’ve got to get back to work. There are plenty of sheets to change in a place this big, you know. See you soon, dear.”

“See you soon,” Elena said softly. She watched as the maid headed back down the hall and disappeared through a doorway. The metal against her skin had started to warm.

Can I go through with this? Can I really kill Viktor? The Sokolovs have been a better family to me than my father ever was…but if I don’t do this, things could be so much worse for my mother. Oh, Roman…I do hope that someday, you’ll forgive me.

She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to pull herself back together. The fact that her father was a bad man was why she needed to do this. She shuddered. Her father wouldn’t kill her right away, she didn’t think…but he’d make damn sure she wished for death for the rest of her life.

At least she could make Viktor’s death quick.

Elena brushed the tears from her eyes and resumed her route to Viktor’s bedroom. She’d start there in her search and narrow it down from room to room until she found him. The moment she found him alone, she’d do it. She’d take him out. It would be quick, and he wouldn’t suffer. She’d be the only one forced to endure the pain of this kill—for the rest of her life, she’d grieve what she’d done, just as her friend would grieve her husband. And Viktor could rest easy knowing that he’d haunt her every day.

Elena put her hand on the bedroom door lever. She took a breath, pushed the handle down, then shoved the door open and stepped inside. A high-pitched shriek greeted her.

Alexandra, naked, was on the bed, seated on Viktor’s lap. She’d been the first to see her. Elena gasped. Her friend wasn’t supposed to see this. She didn’t deserve to watch her husband die…and she didn’t deserve to be dragged into the darkness of the Popov family.