Page 14 of Brutal Loyalty

“I have another errand to run,” Roman said in a low, smooth voice. “I don’t suppose you’d be interested in joining me again?”

Elena decided her father’s contact could wait.



Roman wasn’t sure why he’d asked Elena to join him. Viktor had wanted him to pick up another package and bringing the daughter of a gunrunner along with him probably wasn’t the best decision. But they’d been getting along and he was hoping that if he got her outside the mansion again, she might just open up and he could find out why she was really back in Boston.

He pulled up outside the address he’d been given and cringed. They were at the Lion’s Den, a strip club.

“Chaufferone,” Elena began in a singsong tone. “While I love a good lap dance as much as the next person, it’s a bit early in the day, don’t you think?”

“To be honest, I didn’t check to see what was at this address before I invited you along.” He didn’t want to leave her alone in the car. If she really was hiding from her father, it would be wrong to leave her out in the open without any security. And if she was secretly workingwithher father then he needed her to come inside with him where he could keep an eye on her. “If you don’t think you can handle going inside, I suppose you could wait in the car,” he taunted, hoping it would provoke her. To his relief, she flung open the passenger door and jumped out. He quickly followed and cringed when she slammed the car door harder than necessary.

“Not on your life.” She started walking toward the entrance and Roman could have sworn her hips had a larger sway to them than usual. Looking over her shoulder at him, she added, “Who knows? I might pick up some new…tricks.”

Roman knew his mouth had popped open at that but then he caught her grin. Shaking his head, he sped up and put his hand on her lower back to direct her. When they walked inside, they both pulled off their sunglasses to help them acclimate to the gloom. The stage had two dancers attempting some sort of synchronized number and the seats around the front were filled.

“Pay close attention, Ms. Popov, because there will be a quiz later.” His comment had the desired result. Even in the dim lighting, he could see the pink on her cheeks.

“Roman!” A loud voice boomed across the room. Everyone turned to see what was going on. Shaking his head, Roman reached for Elena’s hand and together they walked toward the large man in a silk suit surrounded by what could only be called a harem.

“Ruslan, it is good to see you. You have added to your entourage, I see,” Roman told him as he reached over to shake the man’s hand.

“And I see you have brought me a gift.” Ruslan eyed Elena. Roman casually wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“She’s with me, my friend. You can’t be the only one around with a beautiful woman on your arm.” He tightened his arm on Elena, willing her to be quiet and play along. Now would not be a good time for one of her temper tantrums. They were not facing a man who would have much tolerance for her games.

Ruslan looked her up and down with a speculative look and Roman worried that he recognized her. Maybe this was a bad idea. But then he shrugged. “As you wish. But if you ever decide you want a real woman, let me know. One of my girls would be happy to show you a good time.”

“Girlsbeing the operative word,” Elena mumbled as she glared at the big man. Roman tapped her arm, hoping she would get the message.

The other man narrowed his eyes at her, and she responded with a smirk. Yep, it had been a very bad idea bringing her. Before things got worse, he quickly told Ruslan, “Viktor asked me to stop by to pick up a package. Is it ready?”

“Of course, of course. But first, a drink.” Ruslan snapped his fingers and one of the girls rushed over with a tray of glasses and a crystal decanter with clear liquid in it. Roman couldn’t say no. He reached for a chair to help Elena sit but she stepped away, turning to give him a smile.

“I’ll leave you two to your man talk. I’m going to watch the dancers on the stage. I have that quiz later, and I want to make sure I do well.” With a wink, she sauntered off. Roman shook his head as Ruslan broke out in a loud laugh.

“That one is trouble,” he told him, and Roman had to agree.

Roman sat down at the table and watched as chilled vodka was poured into two glasses. With a wave of his hand, Ruslan shooed the other women away and the two men sat quietly sipping on vodka that had a hint of…lavender?

“What do you think?” Ruslan asked him. “About the vodka. I was told lavender is good for high blood pressure, so I had the bartender add it to my vodka. Good, yes?”

Roman took another sip and nodded. “I’m not so sure your doctor would agree with you adding it to your vodka, but it isn’t bad.”

Ruslan waved the glass around. “Bah. If we must get older, we should still get to enjoy our vices. Now. Tell me. Why did you bring the Svodnik’s daughter into my establishment?”

Roman cringed inwardly. He had hoped that Elena wouldn’t be recognized. Given that Viktor was eager to build on the relationship with Ruslan, he went for mostly truth. “She’s the best friend of the pakhan’s wife, and she asked for their help getting away from her father.”

“Be careful with her. She might be lovely to look at, but Popovs will stab you in the back, if given the chance.” Ruslan looked at Roman across the top of his glass. “And if you do find out the location of the Svodnik, I have several…colleagues who would pay good money for that information. Myself included.”

“We’ll keep that in mind.” Roman knew that Anatoly Popov had burned a lot of bridges when he’d killed Boris, but they’d learned over the last three months that he’d been causing problems long before that in his quest to work his way up the food chain. Starting in St. Petersburg. The Tambov bratva were still eager to find out his whereabouts, which was how Viktor knew that Elena hadn’t gone to the Popov estate there. The local security group tied to the Tambovs had reported back that other than a small staff, no one had been to the estate in two years, which fit with what they knew already.

He was pulled from his thoughts when Ruslan chuckled. “Your girl looks good up there.” Roman snapped his head up and turned around to see Elena on stage, dancing around the stripper pole amidst catcalls from the customers sitting up front. One of the guys was drunkenly waving cash at her, and Roman watched as she danced over to him and managed to relieve him of all his money before moving out of his reach.

“Bitch! Don’t just take my money. Come suck me off!” the angry guy shouted at her. Elena flipped him off in response. That only pissed him off more, and he went to climb on the stage.