Page 99 of So That Happened

Only, you know, masculine. Though I’d kill for those long, dark eyelashes.

Did we really almost kiss?

My heart says yes, my body practically screams the affirmative…

But my brain is torn. Unsure. Because that was Sunday—three days ago—and over the past seventy-two hours, I’ve barely seen Liam. He and Luke have been huddled in the boardroom, heads bent over their laptops and spreadsheets as things gear up for our push for the Wiseman investment. Apparently, it’s down to just four companies now. SITL has a real chance.

Every time he comes into our shared office, Liam looks tired. Dark circles surround those incredible eyes.

I’ve been tempted to stalk over to his desk, shove everything off of it with one, big movie-esque hand sweep, then drag him onto it by the perfect silk tie so I can kiss the face off him…

“Annie?” Vanessa’s voice startles me out of my fantasy and back into the present, where I am not wanton and wicked and throwing myself at my boss, but fetching coffee at Sugarland.

Heat pools in my cheeks and floods down to my chest. “Y-yes?” I squeak guiltily, sure she can somehow tell what I was daydreaming about.

Vanessa gestures an impatient hand at the girl behind the counter, who looks thoroughly bored by our presence. “Want to tell the lady what you’d like?”

“Um, just a coffee.”

The girl snaps her gum. “What size do you want?”

“Large,” I say automatically. Then I blush harder, like I’ve just said something obscene.

Isn’t there a coffee spill somewhere that I can slip on? Maybe hit my head to put me into a nice, quiet coma?

Gum-snapper raises an eyebrow, like she can see right through me.

Vanessa peers at me. “You okay, Annie?”

“Ju—just need caffeine.”

I wish I could know what he’s thinking, whether he’s second-guessing what almost happened the other night. Liam has been nothing but professional this week, maybe I should be the same. Forbidden, sexy workplace romances might look glamorous on the TV shows Prisha binges, but in reality, the stakes are higher. Bigger stakes means there’s more to lose.

But that’s not what’s on my mind now, because all I can think about is sexy pine forests and black coffee eyes and soft lips framed by a hard jawline. Lips that look entirely kissable and…

FRICK,I’m doing it again!

Luckily, my coffee is ready. I swipe it off the counter and take a huge, throat-scorching gulp.

“Ow!” I whimper as blisters explode over my tongue.

The counter girl shakes her head at me. “You gotta wait, let it cool off. It’s too hot to handle when it’s freshly poured.”

I’ll say.

Hopefully my brain will cool it with the boss fantasies soon so I can actually focus on all the work I have to do this week. Free of all dirty thoughts.

Great advice, actually.

“Thanks,” I tell the girl, rummaging in my jacket pocket and then tucking a ten into the tip jar.

Her eyebrows shoot up. “Thanks, lady.”

“No, thankyou.”I shoot her a cheery grin. Maybe a bit too cheery, because she’s gone from surprised to slightly frightened.

Must stop scaring people.

“What was all that about?” Vanessa demands as we make our way out of Sugarland armed with our cups of java and a family-size box of donuts for the office.