Page 37 of So That Happened

“Hmm… well, isn’t it all just good-looking people standing around and drinking coffee between giving presentations and having scandalous affairs?”

“You’ve gotta stop watchingMad Men.”


“We’re getting sidetracked. I’m hiding in the bathroom because I may or may not have slept with my new boss—”

“GIRL. It’s not even 9am on your first day!”

“Not like that! My new boss is the stranger from the airport hotel.” I lower my voice, even though nobody else is in the bathroom. “You know, the one I shared a bed with.”

“Shower Hottie is your new boss?” Prisha is making the gulpy sounds she always does when she’s trying—and failing—not to laugh. “Sorry, Annie, but… this could literally only happen to you.”

I frown at the cubicle door for answers, but unlike a high school bathroom, it’s graffiti-free. And the room doesn’t smell like cigarette smoke and strawberry-vanilla body spray.

“But that’s not even the worst part…” I quickly get her up to speed on everything that’s happened since we texted. Starting with Liam leaving his t-shirt for me in the bathroom, the morning cuddle fiasco, and ending with me walking into the boardroom this morning and practically insulting him (AKA, my BOSS) first thing.

The only part is I leave out is the drool. And that Liam left the hotel room before I could apologize for said cuddle fiasco.

Even Prisha can’t make me feel better about that.

“So. Do you think I’m still going to have a job when I exit the bathroom?”

Prisha snorts. “Abso-freaking-lutely. You’re smart and you work hard and you’re great at what you do. And you’re a good cuddler, too. So it’s his fault if he didn’t like that.”

Despite myself, I laugh.

“If he’s a good employer, he’ll judge you by the quality of your work. Which will give you an A+ employee ranking in anyone’s book.”

I shift on the toilet seat and cross my legs. Did Prisha actually just give out sensible workplace advice?

“And if he doesn’t see that,” she continues. “He’s clearly an idiot and you should get even by loosening the screws on his desk chair, or… putting rat poison on his lunch. He can’t be mean if he’s busy dying!”

There it is.

“Ooh, yes, the good old murder your boss plan. Classic.” I roll my eyes. “I guess I do look good in orange.”

“Brings out the orange in your hair,” Prisha agrees with the cheery confidence of someone blessed with long, silky black hair that never fuzzes around her head in the rain and makes her look like a human Cheeto.

“Remind me again why we’re friends?”

“Because we love each other. And because I believe in you. You can do this, Annie. You didn’t move a thousand miles to give up on day one. He’s probably as embarrassed as you are about the whole thing. And yes, maybe it was a tad inappropriate, workplace-wise, but it happened before you officially started working there, so no harm, no foul. Just forget about it and focus on your job.”

“You’re right.” I smile. Square my shoulders. “I can do this. Thanks, Prish.”

“You can repay me with photos that you’ve secretly snapped of McSwoony.”

Aaaaaand we’re back to the Prisha I know and love.

“Anyway,” she continues. “I gotta go, Rishi’s losing his mind. Pray for me.”

“Always.” I laugh as she hangs up.

I unlock the cubicle door, step outside.

I can and will go back out there. And I’ll be the best new employee Stay Inside the Lines has ever seen. I moved all the way back to Atlanta, unpacked my two suitcases into my teenage closet, and bought a monthly transit ticket and six boxes of chocolate chip Eggos for my lunches. I can’t back out now; I’ve come too far.

A sudden nervous clench of my bladder has me stepping back inside the cubicle and locking the door.