Page 132 of So That Happened

I snort. Close out of the message thread. With a breath sucked in through gritted teeth, I realize the last one is from Justin. What now?

Do Not Text Ever:No text back, huh? You’re obviously not too concerned about a potential HR nightmare.

My heart picks up speed as I read, then re-read his words.

I stare at the message until the screen goes fuzzy.

I was able to pass off his text last night as an attempt to stir the pot. I was able to forget about it and move on. But maybe that wasn’t the right way to deal with it… Because this looks more sinister. Way more sinister.

I mean, SITL and Financify are against each other for funding. Could he be trying to play dirty?

But I can solve this. Pretty easily, in fact. All I have to do is tell him the truth. I don’t care what he thinks of me anymore, don’t care how pathetic I’m going to look… all I care about is getting Liam and SITL out of the crosshairs of whateverthisis.

Annie:Whatever you think is happening… you’ve got the wrong idea.

There. Send.


I drop my phone like it gave me an electric shock. Gingerly, I pick the phone back up and swipe open the screen.

Do Not Text Ever:Nice try, Annie Bananie. You checked into the same room.

I freeze, my palms so cold and clammy that I barely register the buzz as the next message comes in.

Do Not Text Ever:Sleeping with your new boss before you even start the job? Tsk tsk *winky face emoji* Honestly, I didn’t think you had it in you.

Annie:You’re wrong. That’s not what happened. I was shocked to see you and Veronica at the hotel and I reacted by pretending Liam Donovan was my boyfriend. He went along with it to be nice. I didn’t even work for him at the time.

There, the truth will set you free, or whatever they say.

Do Not Text Ever:Really though, does it matter if I’m right or wrong? Think about it. Whatever the context, checking into a hotel with a brand new employee-to-be doesn’t paint your new boyfriend in a good light. Especially with Wiseman’s interest in HR protocols.

My blood chills, dampening and cooling any residual heat from Liam’s warm bed.

The sudden coldness is icy. Sharp.

Annie:What do you want?

Do Not Text Ever:Make your boyfriend pull his bid for funding.

My heart is in my stomach and my throat is raw and scratchy when I swallow, like I’ve been eating shrapnel.

Annie:You can’t ask me to do that.

Do Not Text Ever:Well, let’s put it this way: I don’t think Wiseman plays with HR grenades ready to blow.

That weasel.

Annie:So you’re blackmailing me.

Do Not Text Ever:Oh, Bananie. It’s not blackmail. Blackmail’s personal. This is just business.

My chest is pulsing and I feel sick to my stomach. I’m disgusted with Justin. Disgusted with myself that I could’ve dated a man like that.

Because it’s not even a personal vendetta or a revenge plan. It’s all business. Cold, calculated business. People like Justin stop at nothing to get ahead in their careers. People’s feelings, reputations… they’re all fair game as long as he gets what he wants.

Do Not Text Ever:Do it this way and everyone wins. Well, I win. You just avoid a senseless HR scandal. I know you’re smart, Bananie. Be smart about this.