Page 13 of So That Happened

That second dig at me prods my motor skills back into use, and I nod like a bobblehead figurine. “Yes, good idea! Um, nice to see you, Justin and Veronica. And congratulations again.”

Did I say “congratulations” a first time? Doubt it. But it’s time to skedaddle out of here while Liam seems to be in an uncharacteristically generous mood.

Unfortunately, Justin doesn’t get the memo.

“I can’t believe we’re here at the same time. What a co-inky-dink,” he says chattily, smiling like I didn’t just try to exit this conversation and he didn’t just use the word “co-inky-dink” without a hint of irony. “Ron Ron and I were meant to be in Aruba, like, five days ago, but we had to rebook our flights.”

Come on, universe!

This has to be a cosmic joke—the type I didn’t believe in until right this second. It’s the only explanation for why Justin and I are both right here, right now, after everything that’s happened.

And a lothashappened.

Like… I quit my job—a data analytics job at a cool tech company that I loved and adored—what, four months ago now? Yeah, right before Christmas.

That was a fun holiday season. I spent it newly single and jobless, alone in my basement apartment, babysitting the neighbor’s hamster, Karl, while drinking copious amounts of eggnog and reflecting on the series of bad decisions that got me to that particular low in life.

Mostly, the decision to date, then break up with, then be forced to work alongside a colleague.

The icing on the cake of the whole situation was when Justin started dating Veronica immediately after our breakup.

As I was the one who ended things, I thought Justin moving on so quickly was a good thing, a sign that I’d made the right decision and we’d both be better off for it. But then, he made things so difficult and awkward for me at the office that I eventually had to bow out and quit.

Unfortunately, this meant that this very same ex of mine got the promotion that I’d worked so hard for. A promotion that was meant for me. It’s almost funny how my decision to break up with him worked out so conveniently… for him.

On my end, on the other hand, there were many weeks of wallowing, applying for jobs and questioning all my life choices. Not that I think it’s right to stay with someone for the wrong reasons. But if I’d known just how badly things would go, I might’ve done more to avoid Justin’s weirdly piercing eyes in the first place.

“We missed you at the wedding. You should’ve been there, Annie,” Veronica goes on sweetly.

“Whyweren’tyou there?” Justin smiles, and I have a sudden urge to kick him between the legs.

Which I don’t, of course.

I am zen. I am calm. I am centered…

Ha. What I actually am is super flustered. “Oh, I couldn’t have, um—” I fumble.

Thankfully, Justin isn’t listening. Which is not unlike him, actually.

I guess some things never change.

“That’s a shame, Bananie. You could’ve brought your new man.” He looks at Liam, beams that smile of his that I know now is about as real and substantial as cotton candy, and sticks out his hand. “I’m Justin Manson.”

Yup, Manson. Like the serial killer.

They’re not related, though. I googled it once to make sure.

“Wait a minute.” Justin peers at Liam. “You look familiar. Do we know each other?”

Liam eyes Justin’s hand. “No.”

He looks away without taking it. Instead, he surprises the absolute heck out of me by drawing me closer, his fingertips on my shoulder making absentminded, lazy circles. My stomach is unreasonably fluttery at the motion.

“Ready, babe?” he asks, his tone almost bored. “Rosemary’s waving us over.”

Babe?Hahaha, didn’t peg him for a “babe” sort of guy.

Justin’s mouth stays open and I almost chuckle aloud. His Big Mouth Billy Bass impression is way better than mine. He frowns at Liam’s rudeness.