Page 115 of So That Happened

The statement is somehow loaded and final all at once, and I get the sense that Liam’s done talking about this. I don’t want to push him, so I change the subject. “What’s the agenda like for the wedding?”

The cloudiness lifts from Liam’s expression and he relaxes as he runs me through the bachelor events, rehearsal dinner and girls’ spa day that I’m invited to at Mindy’s insistence.

The thought makes me feel warm as a tray of freshly-baked brownies. As an only child, I’ve never experienced the fun of having sisters. Justin had a sister, but we didn’t see a lot of her. When we did, I got a straight-laced, pouty-faced sort of person who sneered at my outfits with open disdain, never asked me about myself, and generally expressed zero interest in getting to know me.

The Donovan siblings seem like a whole different ball game: fun, warm, bubbly, and welcoming.

“Wow, it’s going to be a busy weekend,” I say, excited.

Liam’s eyes glint mysteriously. “Ah, I’m sure we can find some free time in there.”


His expression turns wicked. “Well, I’d rather like some alone time with you.”

That stupid smile is back on my face and butterflies fill my stomach. For some reason, my mind gallops off on a daydream of Liam and I on gorgeous white horses, riding off into the sunset. Leather chaps tbd.

“Can our alone time involve horses?” I ask, somewhat breathlessly.

“Horses?” Liam drums his fingers on the steering wheel. “Sure. It’s a ranch, after all. You ever been to a ranch?”

“Negative. You?”

He thinks about it for a moment. “Me neither.”

“Poof goes my Liam the Cowboy fantasy.”

He shoots me an amused look. “That sounds like something your mom’s book club would read.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, horrified. “Oh my gosh, is nothing sacred? Stop giving me traumatic mental images of my mother ogling your oiled-up abs!”

He snorts. “Why are my abs oiled up?”

“I don’t know, they just are. They’re always oiled up in my head.”

Liam laughs so hard, it makes me laugh too. I love seeing him this relaxed and carefree.

“Well, remind me to go buy some oil, I guess,” he rasps when he finally stops laughing.

“Please,” I agree with a grin.

He shoots me another look, this one so tender and sweet, it takes my breath away. “Annie, would you like to go on a horseriding date with me while we’re at the ranch?”

“Liam Donovan, are you asking me on a date within a date?”

“I most definitely am. Our firstofficialdate.”

I’m smiling from ear to ear. “So, our not-a-date at Petit Soleil didn’t count?”

“No way, Jacobs. You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

My heart picks up speed at the thought of what’s in store for this weekend with Liam.

Although I’ve never actually been on a horse in my life. And now that I think about it, I envision my experience being less “riding off into the sunset” and more “getting bucked off immediately.”

But, oh well.

If it’s with Liam, I’m there.