Page 23 of So That Happened

Prisha: Annie, we love you. Justin is a loser and you’re better off without him. All we want is for you to start having fun, enjoy being single!

My heart warms. I know that my best friend only wants the best for me, only wants to see me happy. Hopes as much as I do that this fresh start is beneficial in every way.

Annie:Thanks, Prish <3

Prisha:Sleep tight *six winky faces*

“Shower’s free.” His voice is frighteningly close and I drop my phone. The guy moves like a freaking cat; I didn’t even hear him leave the bathroom.

I slowly, almost reluctantly, move my eyes to Liam. His hair’s damp, his skin dewy, and he’s dressed in fitted charcoal running pants and a long-sleeve black t-shirt that clings to his muscular frame. Somehow, this look is even more intimidating than the suit.

He looks… powerful.

Not any ordinary housecat, but a panther.

He catches me looking and shakes his head. “This is pure insanity, isn’t it?”

If he’s trying to offer me a return olive branch and make this whole situation a bit more comfortable, it’s not working. I’m totally tongue-tied as I stare at him. Why does he have to look likethat?

“It is,” I say finally. “But it is what it is and isn’t what it isn’t.”

Wow, I should be a philosopher.

I’m clearly the only person in the room who thinks this. Liam grunts in response, abandoning all attempts at conversation (if that’s what that even was), then proceeds to oh-so-carefully climb onto the bed… as far away from me as possible. Which, let’s face it, isn’t far.

I might’ve been in his arms earlier, but sitting in this room together, marooned on a tiny bed and surrounded by the heady scent of his woodsy body wash, this moment feels strangely more intimate.

“I guess I’ll shower,” I squeak, trying not to breathe in again. It would be just my luck that my nose does that weird whistling thing it does in dry weather.

He fixes me with a look that’s all business. Nods. “I’ll sleep on this side, above the covers. That way, you should be as, um…” His cheeks redden a touch. “Comfortable as possible, given the situation.”

I grin at this almost sweet sentiment. “Don’t worry about it, feel free to use the covers. I’m totally used to sharing rooms at gross hotels with perfect strangers.”

It’s meant to be a joke. A funny, lighthearted injection of humor into this crazy situation.

But as per usual, I failed to think before I spoke. And therefore, I failed to realize that my attempt at a joke actually made it sound like I’m a call girl. One with lots of customers.

And judging by the look on Liam’s face, he’s taken my sentence to mean exactly that.

“I’m not an escort!” I blurt quickly.

“Um, okay?” He pauses, his neck reddening again. Interesting that this hulk of a man embarrasses so easily. Then, he nods at my bag on the bed. “I saw you weren’t prepared for an overnight trip so I left you a t-shirt in the bathroom.” Another pause. “If you want it.”

That’s the second nice thing he’s done for me today, while I, in turn, have created nothing but chaos for him. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so quick to judge him. Or call out his manners.

“Thank you,” I say sincerely.

Liam nods. “Good night, Annie.”

He flips off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness, and I retreat into the bathroom. As I have no clothes, no toiletries, and, apparently, no dignity left, I take a quick body shower. Think about using Liam’s fancy body wash. Decide that’s a terrible idea. Settle for the Pepto-Bismol-pink bar of hotel soap, which smells like my grandmother’s house mixed with Dettol.

Maybe I could hide in here all night. Curl up on the floor in a nest of towels, like a raccoon.

No. I need to take a page from all of my self-improvement books. I deserve to sleep on a bed tonight. Even if it’s a tiny bed, beside a man who’s way too gorgeous for his own good. Brené certainly wouldn’t be considering the raccoon life.

Liam left toothpaste on the sink. I’m not sure if this is out of kindness or because my breath is disgusting, but either way, I’m grateful. I rub some toothpaste over my teeth and then consider putting my jeans and wooly sweater back on. Ugh, what a day to wear jeans with zero stretch.

I spot Liam’s t-shirt atop the counter. It’s white and pristinely folded. It looks so soft. So clean.