Page 22 of So That Happened

Prisha clearly thinks I’m joking. Or she’s been reading too many steamy romance books lately.

Annie:This is not a drill, Prish! It’s an emergency. I have no toothbrush or hairbrush or clean clothes and the bed is tiny and we have to share it and he hates me and he knows way too much about dolphins.

Punctuation and grammar are not my best friends when I’m stressed. My phone dings almost immediately with a response.

Prisha:I love your life. How hot is this stranger you speak of? Are we talking Henry Cavill hot? Or, like, Leo DiCaprio ever since he got old and his head got a bit big?

Maybe Prisha was a bad choice of pep talker.


Prisha: Does he look like he wants to have his wicked way with you?

Annie: No he does not. He looks like he wants me to go away. Very far away. And I haven’t even told you the worst bit yet…

Prisha: *gif of Ted Lasso smiling and saying “How ‘bout that”*

My best friend is behaving way too flippantly about this whole thing.

Time to bring out the big guns. Prisha always loathed Justin, so this is sure to get her juices flowing.

Annie: I ran into Justin and Veronica. She’s pregnant. Like, super pregnant.

Annie: And I told them this guy was my boyfriend.

Wow. Reading over my actions makes them seem even more insane.

I wait while the dots keep popping up and disappearing. Over and over.

I may have achieved the impossible and rendered Prisha Singh speechless for the first time in her twenty-six years.

Finally, a message back.

Prisha: Sorry, I needed to have a little sit down to recover.

Prisha: VERONICA IS WHAT? YOU DID WHAT? I’m calling you.

The shower turns off. Shoot.

Annie: Don’t call me, he’ll hear!

Annie:I have to go anyway, he’s getting out of the shower. Will update you in the AM if he hasn’t murdered me in my sleep.

Prisha: He’s in the shower????!!!!! SEND PICS.

That’s what Prisha took from my last message? Totally her fault if I die tonight.

Also, surely her husband—who she’s super duper happily married to—has something to say about this request?

Annie:I’m obviously not in the shower with him. There is a door separating us.

Prisha:Open the door! Seize the day!

Annie: Good night, Prish. Say hi to Raj for me. Remember him? Your loving husband?

Prisha: Of course I do. He’s right here beside me reading this whole conversation. He’s very invested and wants me to let you know that he hopes you don’t die because he actually quite likes you.

Annie: What a glowing review.