Page 107 of So That Happened

A laser light flashes to my left, warning me that I was almost hit a second time. Shoot!


Ahh… another hit. Dammit. Maybe this plan wasn’t so smart after all.

Gotta get to safety. Fast.


Another hit.

I scramble forward, tripping over the hem of my skirt as I go. And then, out of nowhere, something closes around my arm.

A hand. A big hand.

“Agghhhh!” I scream as I’m pulled sideways in one swift motion, off the ramp and down a little side alley I hadn’t seen.

The hand moves from my arm, clapping over my mouth as a body covers mine, pressing me into an alcove.

Suddenly, all I can smell is sexy pine forest, all I can feel is warm skin against mine. Darkness cloaks us in the alcove, totally hidden from sight, and my inability to visually orient myself serves to heighten my other senses, which are all in absolute overdrive right now.

Through the darkness, my eyes meet Liam’s. Inky, sparkling, endless pools. I focus on his gaze—still dancing playfully—boring down on me.

I suck in a sharp breath, but this just has me breathing in more of his intoxicating scent.

He lowers his face so his lips are almost at my ear.

“Shhh,” he murmurs, his breath tickling the sensitive skin on my neck as he gently removes his hand from its firm position on my mouth. “That was Luke behind you.”

He pulls back and he’s grinning, his face inches away. Painfully close. And his big, hot body, wide and hard as a brick wall, is still covering mine. His hands have moved to press against the wall, one on either side of my head, caging me into position. Protecting me.

Every square inch of my skin is tingling, whipped into a hyper-alert frenzy.

“Don’t worry,” he breathes, lowering his lips back to my ear. “He didn’t see what happened. Nobody did.”

I let out a nervous, high-pitched laugh. I feel woozy. “Thank you for saving me.”

His smile turns wry. “Couldn’t let you be the reason we lose the game, could I?”

I grin back, heart beating a million times a minute. “Should’ve worn my Team Donovan shirt.”

Liam’s eyes darken, his pupils dilating into depths of that deep, rich brown. “I can’t stop thinking about you in that shirt.”

My stomach clenches. “I can’t stop thinking about you in general,” I whisper back.

It’s Liam’s turn to suck in a breath.

His arms tense against the wall and the next thing I feel is his stubble scraping my cheek, sending shockwaves through me. His lips follow, the contrasting softness spurring a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

He gently kisses my cheekbone, then presses another achingly sharp and sweet stubble kiss next to it. My hands reach up to fist in his t-shirt, pulling him closer. His lips move again, on a path to where I’m desperate for them, and I tilt my mouth hungrily to meet his, not caring where we are or what’s going on around us, just desperate for more ofhim.

His lips skim mine, featherlight, and I begin to part mine….


“HAHAHAHAHA, GOTCHA!” Luke screams like a psychopath.

Liam and I spring apart, and my eyes fly open to see burst after burst of green light. Liam’s chest lights up as his brother fires mercilessly.