My cheeks pinked, thinking of how much I hoped he was giving me a preview of what would happen later tonight.
“I’m not finished yet.” Josh’s eyes owned me. “After dinner, I would pour her favorite drink and join her by the fire, where I would read her favorite book to her until it consumed her with such passion, she couldn’t keep her hands off me.”
“Mmm. Mmm,” Jolene said, as if she’d just had the best meal of her life.
Josh, pleased with himself and the obvious blush that had overtaken my body, leaned closer to me but where the mic would still catch his voice. “What does our introvert think of that?”
I swallowed down all the inappropriate words I wanted to say and squeaked out, “Which book would you read to her?”
That burst the seductive air in the room as everyone busted out laughing.
“We told you she’s a tough one,” Tara roared.
Believe me, Josh had me at making dinner alone at home.
Josh wasn’t deterred. “To answer your question, it would be Anna Karenina or Rebecca.”
Oh, baby, take me now. I meant, “Excellent choices,” I praised him. I was happy he remembered my favorites.
“Would you look at that?” Jolene said. “You impressed our wallflower.”
“Any other advice for dating an introvert?”
Josh’s hand inched up my thigh. “Don’t be afraid to make the first move and always be willing to compromise.”
“Do you agree?” Tara asked me.
“I certainly would never make a first move.”
More laughter ensued.
“Good job, Josh,” Jolene commended him. “I think we are all impressed.”
Tara zeroed in on me. “I have a question for our wallflower. How would you plan the perfect date for an extrovert?”
Josh gave me his full attention.
I wasn’t sure I could top his date. But that wasn’t the point. I knew what Tara was asking. That being, how did we give and take in our relationship? I never wanted it to be one-sided.
I cleared my throat. “Well, first I would probably hyperventilate a bit and do some meditation.”
Lots of snickering ensued because they knew it was true.
“After that, I would take him to a show or concert he really wanted to see. Of course, I would hold his hand the entire time and never leave his sight.”
Josh’s smile said he approved.
“Afterward, I would sing in the car with him because I know how much it would mean to him.” My voice cracked a bit.
Josh gave me such a look of adoration.
There was a brief bit of silence as my best friends sat stunned, knowing exactly how hard that would be for me.
“What do you think about that date, Josh?” Tara asked.
“Absolute perfection,” he responded before mouthing, “I love you.”
Jolene interrupted the sweet moment. “Well, moving on now to a Valentine’s Day edition of Smash or Pass.”