Page 53 of Love Rescheduled

“I know what you’re thinking, and I promise we can work it out.” Josh answered my unspoken thoughts. “But we don’t need to tonight. Just let me hold you.”

I could do that. Except … “I need to stretch and wash my face.”

Josh shook his head playfully. “Or, maybe you could be a tad flexible,” he carefully suggested, “and just this once, not leave my arms.”

“You want me to compromise?”

“Yes, if you can manage that.”

I thought for a moment. Rationally, I knew it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I didn’t wash my face or stretch. No one was going to judge me for it, least of all Josh. I had to think about what was most important. I gazed into Josh’s eyes. In their reflection, I saw myself. They told me what he held most dear. I could do the same for him. After all, I would still be on a plane right now if it weren’t for him. There was no way I would have stretched in front of so many people. But Josh was my people, and I wanted to keep him that way. So, I pecked his lips and snuggled in next to him, mentally giving myself a star on my chart for breaking routine.

Josh immediately relaxed and held me as close as he could. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

For several moments, we said nothing, only breathed in and out, our thoughts floating between us in the semi-dark. One thought wouldn’t leave my mind. “Josh,” I whispered into the silence. “What did you do with the ring you bought for me?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t pouring salt into his wounds. The pure loathing on his face when I walked away from him three years ago made much more sense now. I had stolen more than I knew. Yes, I’d had my suspicions, but I didn’t think he had bought a ring.

“Are you still hoping to keep your wedding date?” he responded lightheartedly.

“I do pride myself on keeping my schedule, but I wondered if perhaps you gave it to—”

“I would never do that to you or Camila,” he said firmly.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t accusing you.”

“Don’t apologize. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. It’s just that she found the ring in my sock drawer.”


“She asked me to get rid of it, and I told her I couldn’t. We both knew then it would never work between us. Honestly, I think we knew from the start it was a bad idea. Regardless, I hurt her, and I’m not proud of that.”

I stilled in his arms, feeling awful for all the terrible things I had ever thought about Camila. Well, mostly. She had gotten cozy with Josh, and I would have to scrub those images out of my head. However, I was sorry for the pain my memory had caused her. I was well acquainted with gut-wrenching rejection, and I didn’t wish it on anyone. Not even women who were intimately acquainted with the man I love. “She must hate me.”

“She doesn’t,” Josh was quick to say. “She encouraged me to come after you.”

“Really?” She was a better person than me.

“Camila knows we’re good together, and she’s happy with her husband.”

“I’m glad.” Truly I was.

Josh’s hand glided down my back. “I still have the ring.” His heart started hammering even harder.

My heart was in a race with his to see whose could pulse faster. “You do?”

“It’s yours whenever you want it. Just say the word and we’ll keep that date of yours.”

OH. WOW. It almost seemed too good to be true. I could save the date and marry the man I love. Maybe it was time to start believing in my dreams. Could I schedule that?


Both men folded their arms as they sat on their regular bench and eyed Josh warily. As much as they appreciated a man going after what he wanted, they were still salty about the humiliation of it all. So was I, but every time Josh kissed me or spoke a reason why he loved me in my ear, I found it harder and harder to stay mad at him. Besides, the man was willing to become a proctologist for me. If that didn’t spell true love, I wasn’t sure what did. All joking aside, we had a lot of things to iron out. I knew there would be some heavy compromising going on. We were meeting with Alec tonight in a joint session in the hope that he could help us reach a mutually beneficial conclusion.

“Nice to meet you.” Josh held out his hand, not at all deterred. Odds were in his favor—they would be best friends by the time my walk was over. It was his superpower. Josh was compromising and following my schedule today. In return, I promised him extra time on the couch tonight. I might even get crazy and delay washing my face until morning again.

I told Josh he needed Hal and Stu’s approval before we could proceed, as well as a business plan. Josh said he knew I would say that and was already working on one. He’d even hired a consulting firm to assist. He impressed me.

“So, this is the fella who embarrassed you.” Hal refused Josh’s hand.