Page 95 of Sweet Lies

“You’re distracted,” he mutters against my ear.


“Hm. Maybe I need to do more to keep you on track.”

“Maybe you do.” I laugh. “Best get to work.”



“Your brother stole my whiskey and he’s drinking it all,” Andre whispers, sneaking up behind me and kissing me on the head. Then he wraps his arms around my body and pulls me close.

“Hm, what are you going to do about it?”

“Absolutely nothing. I’ve not seen him smile this much since we were children.”

“Me neither.”

He’d woken us up early this morning with a six a.m. phone call, and when we’d shown up at the house, we’d found that it looks like Christmas has exploded inside. There are trees in every other room, garlands, and twinkling lights, and presents upon presents with enormous bows of red and green. Cinnamon fills the air, along with the scent of pine, and the smell of baking wafts through from the kitchen.

My brother’s men circle about, drinks in one hand and guns by their sides. Becca runs around, trying to guess what she’s getting. She reminds me of Claire in a lot of ways. I can’t help but smile when I look at her and see our past and future.

“He’s loving life tonight,” I add, running my fingertips over his hand.

“Just think, last year you were shooting him, and this year we’re drinking and eating from his table.”

“Hush before he remembers and returns the favor,” I say, laughing as I twist round to face him. My hands run over his face before I lean close and kiss him.

“Do you think they’ll notice if we disappear for a while?” he asks, running his hand over my ass.

I laugh and move his hand to my back.

“Yes, I think they’ll put two and two together.”

“I’m pretty sure your brother cheated off me in math.”

“Well, you cheated off him in history, so it was only fair.”


“Andre, what did you get my sister for Christmas?” Elijah appears in front of us with two glasses in hand.

Andre’s hands fall away, and I step to his side to face my brother and his way too perky sweater. “Good question. What did you get me?” I laugh at his expression, a mix of guilt and something I can’t place.

“You’ll have to wait and see, Bec. What did you get me?” He laughs, leaning in to kiss me. I catch Elijah’s smile as he turns away and returns to Lily.

“My gift to you you’ll get later tonight, away from my family’s eyes.”

“Oh, I already love it. Is it you wrapped in only a bow?”

Rolling my eyes, I slap his chest and move away.

“Guys, let’s watch some movies,” Claire yells from the other room, entering with a plate of peanut butter cookies.

“Are we watchingThe Godfather?” Andre calls back.

“Ha ha. Who knew you were a comedian and not just a hitman?” she replies, throwing a cookie in his direction.