“Andre,” I yell, desperate to make sure he keeps my secrets to himself.
Claire has moved as far to the side as possible, staying out of the fight. I try to get in between them, but there’s no space as they continue to land blows on each other.
“Why don’t you ask Bec?” Andre hisses.
“That’s it,” Claire yells. “We need to know the story, Bec. We deserve to know the whole truth.”
“No, you don’t. It’s over; leave it alone. That’s both of your flaws; you can never leave things alone. That’s why you’re in this situation now, because Elijah couldn’t just stay where he was and let his empire go. You can’t let go.”
“It’s not over yet, Rebecca,” Andre retorts. “You still can’t sleep.”
“How would you know, considering you left me with a fucking note!” I yell and slap my hands over my mouth as the realization of what I’ve just said comes crashing down. All three sets of eyes swing in my direction in surprise.
“Bec.” Andre reaches for me as we pull into the house’s driveway.
Thank God for small favors.
“No,” I say firmly, getting a grip on the self-control I’ve been lacking since this family reunion began.
Shoving the door open, even though the car is still moving slightly, I jump out and walk toward the front door. They won’t get the satisfaction of seeing me run to my new hideaway.
They’re still in the car, unmoving, as I head inside, then race up the stairs. The need to get away is crushing me, even if it’s just behind a locked door. I feel like a trapped animal with a chain around its leg, ready to chew it off even if it means bleeding to death. Anything to get away.
Why did I say that? It was a weakness to show everyone how much his leaving had hurt me.
* * *
“What do you know?” Elijah demands as we step into his office. He glares at me and waits for the answers he seeks.
“That look may work on your men but not on me.”
“Youaremy man, and youwillgive me the answers. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s your choice.”
“Contrary to what you believe, I’m not one of your men anymore. Once this is over, I’m going back to being a free agent. I’ve known you too long to put up with your bullshit.”
“There was a time when I knew I could rely on you.”
I can almost hear hurt in his tone, but that would involve too much emotion for Elijah. No, he’s just trying to get under my skin to learn the truth about Rebecca.
“I see you’re now reduced to mind games. Sad state.”
“Not in the least. We can start with fingers if you wish,” Elijah says as he sits down. He looks calm, but I know he’s still raging. Elijah was always known for his control, his ability to not rush into situations, waiting till the perfect moment to strike. That’s why his plan is succeeding. The only variable he couldn’t account for was Rebecca returning from the dead and my involvement in her life. I’m sure it’s eating him alive that he’s unable to control this part of his game. He has almost everyone where he wants them.
“She has such anger in her—anger I never thought she could possess.”
“She’s a Rossi,” I answer. They all have their issues and demons. There’s only so much death one can witness and cause before it sticks to you like glue.
“She wasn’t supposed to be like this; I was going to see to it she had the life she dreamed of a good life away from all this death.”
“You failed at that, in case you hadn’t noticed.”
“You’re pissing me off,” he growls.
“That’s why it’s so enjoyable not being one of your men. I don’t need to care.”
“Everyone should have that concern,” he replies with a wolf-like grin.