Page 7 of Sweet Lies

“I know. Should we talk to him?” I ask, hoping he says yes so, I can get some of my annoyance out.

“She won’t thank me for that at all. I’ll speak to Dad.” He turns as if to take care of it right away.

“Why did you have me get the info out of your sister?” I ask, stopping him. It’s been a long evening, and I know Elijah is on edge as much as I am, so asking him might not be my smartest plan, but I need to know.

He shrugs. “She talks to you.”

He leaves me then with my open can of beer and that very simple response.

I need to re-enter the room in a bit, but I can take a moment. It’s been a hell of a night already, and I have no desire to talk in circles in a room full of vultures.

I’d much rather watch a movie with popcorn, but unlike Rebecca, I don’t get that option. This is our world, and there’s no way I’m ever getting out. Rebecca, on the other hand, still has a chance. She can free herself of all this madness. Elijah and her dad are already making plans to get her a new life. Getting involved with her was never an option and it’s definitely not one now I know she has a chance at a clean life. I won’t take that world from her, and I won’t allow Nick Flavio to take it either.



I’m on my sixth outfit change. It started with jeans and a flowy cream top, followed by tight black jeans with a red lace top and fake black leather jacket, then a skirt with tights and a white long-sleeved top, followed by a dress, then I went back to jeans with a cute shirt. I was building a sweat changing and unchanging. I return to black jeans with the red lace top and black jacket for the sixth and final change. I don’t want to think how many shoes I’ve tried on to finally decide on tiny red strappy heels. Pacing the room, I run through possible topics of conversation.Please don’t let me make a fool out of myself. You’ve got this. It’s a date, not an exam. I think I’d be less stressed with a test.

My phone dings, and I race to see if it’s Nick. I’m disappointed when I see it’s a coupon for a site I shop from.

“You need to change,” Elijah orders as I come down the stairs.

Claire slaps him on the back of the head.


“Big baby,” Claire says, laughing, before she turns to face me. “You look amazing.”

I glance down. “Thanks. It’s not too much?” I ask.

“Yes,” Elijah says at the same time Claire says, “No.”

“I’m going to go with Claire’s opinion tonight, thank you very much.”

I step away as the front door swings open, and Andre fills the doorway. He looks me up and down. I try to control my eyes from looking him top to bottom, but my self-control only lasts a second. My eyes lower, and I take in the rest of him. His dark hair is pushed back; his suit hugs his body in all the right places. The suit jacket is unbuttoned, allowing the white shirt underneath to reveal the outline of the muscles hidden underneath. My gaze returns to his face, which has an obvious scowl. His eyes narrow, as if piercing my skin. Standing straighter, I meet his glare.

“Elijah, let’s go get that paperwork,” Claire mutters, pulling him away.

“You’re going on the date,” Andre says. He seems to grow more annoyed as he steps inside and closes the door.

“Yep. Have you decided to move in? You’re here as much as I am,” I joke, trying to break the tension that’s grown out of nowhere.

He says nothing, just continues to stare at me.

“Why are you going out with him of all people?” he finally demands, displeasure lacing his words.

“Is there someone else I should be going out with?” I shoot back.

If he was angry before, he’spissednow.“You’re right. Enjoy your evening. I have my affairs to attend to.” His body is tense as he passes me.

I put my hands on the hall table and lean forward, trying to calm myself. On top of being nervous about the date, I’ve now had a battle of wills with Andre. This wasn’t how I wanted my evening to begin.

I only need to wait a little bit more for the doorbell, then I can start the fun part of the evening. But instead of the doorbell, my phone goes off with a text saying Nick’s outside. I was hoping he would meet me at the door, but instead, he’s in the car looking at his phone. I open the passenger door and slide in, then wait for him to say something, but he’s solely focused on the phone.Okay. Something may have happened with the business—no reason to freak out this early on.

Eyes still glued to the screen, he puts the car in drive and moves forward.

“Hi,” I start awkwardly. “I’m looking forward to tonight. How was your day?”