Page 67 of Twisted Lies

“It was fine. I did some work on the website.” I have started an online tutoring group to help kids with their homework after school ends. I’ve already had a few sign-ups. It’s a start. “Then I went swimming. Nothing too exciting. How about yours?” I ask, taking a sip of wine.

“Meetings. I had to meet with an old family friend that’s in from Russia to go over numbers. He’s trying to double the price. He thinks he has me over a barrel, but he doesn’t.”

“Did you come up with a number?” I ask, wondering how he’ll answer.

He appears unaffected that I’d ask. “Of course. It’s been taken care of.”

“How dare I ask such a silly question.” I laugh, smirking.

He grins in such a way I hope it’s just for me. “It is a silly question. He just needed to understand I was no longer the child he knew. He was testing me to see how far he could push. I could have let the price go a little high on this order since it was more of a rush, but if I did, it would have been an issue going forward.”

“You are so sexy when you talk numbers,” I kid.

“In that case, three point five million on an investment worth five million once it gets going.”

“Oh yeah. We should skip lunch and go straight to the bedroom.”

He laughs. “Works for me. We’ll take the bottle with us.”

“Now you’re really speaking my language. What else do you have planned for the day?” I ask, hoping he’s done with meetings and planning and I can keep him to myself. “How goes the search for Jason’s new employees?”

“I’ve gathered some information. They seem to be a Jack of all trades. They don’t run their business as clean as I would like. They leave too much evidence behind. They have members in and out of jail; I’m not too fond of it. Things can get very complicated with people you don’t trust in and out of jail. No one knows who’s making deals where.” He takes a sip of his drink before continuing. “I don’t understand why Jason got involved.”

“Would Alex know?” I ask.

“I’ll talk to him, but I highly doubt he would be thrilled about this group either.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m not sure yet. I’m not going to let it affect my business. I’ll get the information to Connor but then I’m out. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure everything is covered.”

“I know you will. If I can help…”

“I know.” He takes my hand and lifts it to his lips. After the conversation, we switch to happier topics. After lunch, I help Claire with some restaurant ideas. She wants to open another one in New York. She’s mentioned me managing, but I’m not sure yet. Elijah leaves to look at a recent real estate property he bought.

* * *


“I want this taken care ofnow!” I order, my anger at a boiling point. Not waiting for another excuse, I hang up and grip the phone tightly. Morons. Absolute morons.

“Which fire now?” Chris asks.

“It’s the order. They’re saying it’s going to be another day. Something about the paid off guard at the shipping yard being in an accident. He’ll be back the following day. How hard can it be to just add another to the payroll?”

“I guess we know where your check is going to do the most good,” Antonio says to the side, chuckling.

“No shit,” I mutter as the office door opens, and we step outside.

I had called Chris and Antonio to meet me to go over plans for the space and to start scoping out who we want to place in each office. We have IT and investment companies, and a law firm. We only need two more offices filled. That won’t be hard. I’ll make a call in the morning and have it done.

The familiar sound of guns firing attacks my senses as we exit onto the street. I don’t question whether or not my men already have their weapons drawn. I know they do. Reaching to my back, I pull my gun forward and start firing at the flying car. People duck as they realize what’s happening. Glancing around, I note no one has been hurt.

“Boss, time to go,” Chris states, ushering me to the nearby car.

“No shit,” I respond as we pile into the car. “I want to know who the fuck was behind that, and I want their heads.”

Antonio pulls the phone and starts dialing.