“I am, but you make me better. I’m never going to be what’s good for you, Lily. I can’t. It’s not in me. I’m going to have secrets and late nights I can’t discuss. I’m going to come home with blood on my hands. There are parts of me I can never let you see. Are you sure that’s something you can deal with?”
“If I can’t?” I ask, curious what he’ll say.
His hand tightens in mine. “I don’t think I can let you go.”
“Then I guess it’s good that I have no plans to leave. You’ll stick with me. I see you, Elijah, the dark and the light.” I reach up and kiss him. “Maybe leave the blood at the door as much as you can. I’m still working with my own issues,” I add, trying to defuse the seriousness of the conversation.
He laughs and nods, lifting my hand to his lips. “I’ll do my best.” After that, we stand in silence. He needs this moment more than he realizes.
* * *
After we leave the gravesite, we find an unexpected car in the driveway. “What is Connor doing here?”
Molten anger rolls off him. I look away, not wanting to witness the rage forming. He gets out of the car and slams the door. Quietly, I slip out and follow behind, not wanting to get too close. His feet race up the steps and he yanks the door open. The door bangs against the wall and echoes throughout the house. Claire, Alex, and Connor stand in the foyer.
“Nice of you to return, Elijah. I was just re-introducing myself to Connor,” Claire says.
“I must say, I like Claire more than Mia. It must have killed you playing her. You did well. I give you the credit. You fooled me,” Connor says, swirling the ice in his near empty glass.
Clair laughs, refilling his glass. “Thank you. I think.”
Alex stands back, appearing ready to pounce at the slightest hint of a problem. Elijah looks between the three of them, trying to read the genuine emotions in the room.
“Let’s take this to the office,” Claire says, picking the bottle back up and leading the way. Alex waves, signaling that Connor should go first and follows closely behind. I always found Alex intimidating, but none more so than at this moment.
Elijah turns to me and appears ready to send me to another room. Before he can say anything, I state firmly, “I’m coming.” I know he wants to debate, but nods. Entering the office, Alex stands in the corner with Claire and Connor sit in the chairs in front of the desk. Elijah slides into his chair, and I move to the opposite corner of Alex.
“What are you doing here?” Elijah asks, placing his hands on the desk. “I’m sure it’s not a social call.”
“No, it’s not. It’s business. I’ve noticed that a certain problem of mine is still walking around.”
Who is he talking about? Rebecca? No, that wouldn’t make sense. Then who?
“I’ll take care of it. I said I would, and I will.”
“Forgive me, but I have a hard time believing your word at times. Considering I’ve spent the last few years calling you Kevin.”
“Yes. That’s why when I say don’t test me, I mean it. You never know me, Connor. Don’t make me your enemy. You won’t like the result.” Ice hangs at the end of each work. I shiver at his tone and note Claire hiding her grin. She’s loving being back in this seat. Alex, on the other hand, is still tense.
I wait for Connor to react badly, but instead, he starts laughing. “I liked Kevin better.” He wipes at his eye as if his laughter has drawn tears. “I want it taken care of. That’s not the only reason I’m here. Jason called. He’s hired a new group to take Pat’s place. Out-of-towners. I don’t like not knowing my partners. Especially if they may become my enemies. You have a few more connections than I do, and I want to know what you find out about them.” He tosses a folder on the desk. “This what I found on them. Partner, think you can do a follow up?”
Elijah reaches over and flips through the pages quickly. “I’ll get it taken care of.”
“Good. Good. This meeting of the minds has been well worth the trip.”
“Now that’s settled. Let’s move on to other matters. Soon there will be a removal of drugs from my area. I’m removing an issue. This is the time you will start sending me your product. At half cost.”
In a blink of the eye, Connor slides to the edge of his seat. “This has not been discussed.”
“Neither me being your researcher, but we all have to do our part in this partnership. The market will only be open for a short time. That’s when we get yours out. You’ll get more customers since yours will be the only thing being sold. More money for the both of us.”
I can see Connor clenching his teeth. “Twenty-five percent off.”
“Why would I do that? If I gave this offer to anyone else, they would have jumped at it. Take the deal, Connor, and count the money as it rolls in.”
“It better come in trucks.”
Elijah grins, knowing he has won. “Don’t worry, it will.”