Page 35 of Twisted Lies

She opens and closes her mouth like a fish on a hook. Her eyes well with tears as she tries to control her emotions.

“E. Don’t do this. Please. Stay here. We don’t need to go back. If this ends badly, you’ll be dead. We could all be dead within the week.”

“Alex will not allow that to happen to you. You have the backing of the Regio family, even if the rest don’t know it. Trust me, I do find the irony in that statement. After all this time, you truly don’t think I have a contingency plan? This is something I need to do, and I know leaving now is something you need to do,” I say, stepping closer. “This is going to work.” She appears to want to say more but instead wraps her arms around me and hugs me as if I was going to death row. “I love you, Claire,” I say. Just in case.

“What are you going to do about Lily?” she asks, breaking the hug.

“She’s going with you. I was hoping you could come up with a reason you two both need to go. If I ask her, she’ll refuse or ask questions I don’t have time to answer.”

She nods. “I’ll do this for you even though I still think it’s a bad idea.”

“Your objection has been noted in the minutes.”

She laughs. “You’re an ass, but I love you, so don’t get killed.”

“I’ll do my best,” I say, pulling the bag off my bed. “You leave soon. Go get packed and tell Lily you’re leaving. I’ve told Connor I was going with you to Texas for an emergency. I’ll call you as soon as I can,” I state as we exit the room. I want to see Lily, but know it won’t be wise. She’ll question where I’m going, and as strange as it is, I don’t want to lie to her any more than needed. Not seeing her means not lying. At least not directly. Everything is within reach. I just have to grab it and hold on for the ride.

* * *

Entering the presidential suite at the hotel, I breathe a little easier. I’ve made it home. After all this time, I’m home. No one knows I’m alive or back. If they did, I wouldn’t have made it to the hotel. Tossing my bag to the corner, I call room service and order a bottle of whisky. Once it is delivered, I sit at the table, staring at the lights and buildings that represent my home. Tomorrow Elijah Rossi is back for good. The grin spreads across my face as I lift the glass to my lips.Checkmate.

* * *

Sitting in the stiff leather chair, I glance at the people rushing around as if what they’re doing is the most important thing in the world. In reality, they’re acting like they’re busy and, more importantly, important. They are not. This business is a ruse to launder money. It is an impressive ruse, but a ruse, nonetheless. I scheduled a meeting under my alias, and he’s running fifteen minutes late. But I have all the time in the world. Crossing my leg, I try not to grin like an idiot. I’m just too damn excited to see his face when he realizes the truth. After him fucking us years ago, it’s his turn. The secretary exits Daniel Ferrari’s office, pulling her dress down, and I realize why he’s running late. She is a cute young thing. A person I may have glanced twice at before I met Lily. Now all women tend to appear grey and lifeless compared to her.

She waves me forward, and I move toward the door. As we both enter she says, “Kevin Lafae for you, Mr. Ferrari,” before shutting the door behind her.

His eyes are in his desk drawer, digging for something, and he hasn’t seen me yet. “I’m sorry for the wait, Mr. Lafae.” His eyes glance up, expecting it to be someone he’s never met before, and slide back down. My face registers in his brain as his eyes pop back up in shock, and he jumps to his feet.

“It’s okay, Daniel. I have all the time in the world.”

“It’s not…you’re…not…you’re dead,” he stutters, stepping back instinctively to the large window behind him. He hasn’t changed much in the last few years. Of course, he’s older—more white hair and wrinkles than I remember, but his eyes are still the same intelligent calculating green.

“I assure you I’m very much alive,” I state, enjoying his wide eyes. Stepping forward, I slide into the seat across his desk. Waving my hand, I wait for him to sit. He stares at me as he manages to find his seat without falling. “It’s good to see you, Daniel,” I say, grinning.


Lifting my hand, I cut off his words. “Were you going to say something about how you betrayed us years ago? Leading to our deaths? Or how you and my father were such good friends I should spare you? Because either way, there’s no point. It’s water under the bridge. I look forward to looking toward the future, not back. Don’t you agree?”


“Of course, you do.” Reaching into my briefcase, holding his gaze the whole time, I pull the file out, sliding it across the desk. He eyes it like he expects it to form into a snake and bite him. “Open it,” I command, and wait, enjoying this moment.

He flips open the first page and pales. I know what he’s staring at. A report detailing his crimes, from tax fraud to murder. Facts the police have known but could never report without the information in this file.

“How did you…” he stutters. His hand inches toward the gun under his desk.

“I wouldn’t do that. I have a sniper across the street ready to take the shot. You remember Chris? He’s still a little upset over losing everything. He’ll gladly take the shot. Anyway, what can I say? I’ve had time,” I say, leaning back in my seat. He continues to flip, but I don’t waste time mincing words. “Let’s cut to the chase. You’re the first one I’ve had the opportunity to say hi to since I’ve been home. We’re going to keep this meeting to ourselves while I get used to being home. In case you’ve not already figured it out, I want back in, including the territories andeverythingthat comes with it. Along with, let’s say, ten percent of yours. Consider it grievance pay.”

“Elijah, I don’t think…”

“It’s best that you don’t think. That’s what got you into this predicament. Keep thinking, and it will be over ten percent, or ten to life.”

He sits in silence and leans back into his seat, his hand resting on his chin in thought. Trying to figure out how he can win. I give him time to think of all his alternatives.

I know the moment he realizes he’s well and indeed caught. He flips the folder shut and tosses it to the side. He leans his forearms on the desk and says, “What do you need from me?”

“Your support going forward. I have no wish to be a tyrant. I want what’s mine. To run my empire as I’ve always expected to. We’ll all make money hand over fist and be partners again. It’s that simple.”