“Kevin, we’ve not seen you around in a while,” Melanie purrs against my ear.
“Been busy,” I respond as she kisses my earlobe.
Heather runs her hand up my arm. “All that matters is you’re here now.” Lifting my drink to my lips, I sip the whiskey. Enjoying the burn as it goes down, it reminds me that I’m alive. Lily’s face flashes through my mind, and I lift the glass once more and drink the remaining liquid before ordering another. Taking the glass, I step away from the bar and start toward one of the back rooms, both women at my heels. Heather pulls the curtain behind her as I take a seat in the red velvet chair. Melanie runs her fingers down my chest before pulling my coat off. She takes it to the other chair and carefully lays it out before returning to run her long, graceful fingers over my body. Heather steps between my legs, falling to her knees, running her nails over my legs. Lifting the cool glass once more to my lips, I drink, hoping my mind stays clear and away from all thoughts that have to do with a certain blonde pixie.
“Relax. You’re so tense, and there’s no need,” Melanie whispers in my ear, unbuttoning my shirt slowly. Three buttons done; her nails move over my bare chest. Her lips move to my neck as she unbuttons my pants and pulls out my hard dick. “We’ve got you, baby,” she purrs, running her hands up and down. Closing my eyes, I picture another woman’s hands on my body. I want to push her from my mind, but the more I try, the more she invades. Even as both women continue to mutter sweet nothings and touch my body, I know they will never compare to who I truly want. Leaning back in the chair, I let my body find its release.
* * *
Entering the house late, I feel my way to the office. Fumbling for the desk lamp light, I switch it on and let the bare minimum of light in the room. Rolling my back, I’m frustrated. The night at the club did nothing to remove Lily from my mind. If anything, it made it worse.
Slamming my hands on my desk, I breathe out. Why can’t I get her the fuck out of my mind? My eyes snap to the door as it opens. Lily’s face peeks through the little crack.
“It’s you! I thought someone was breaking in. There are no lights on,” she exclaims.
“Because I didn’t want the lights on,” I growl, not wanting company, least of all hers. She appears taken aback by my tone, but that doesn’t stop her from stepping deeper into the room.
“Ah…yeah. Everything okay?” For the first time since she’s entered the room, concern covers her features.
“Of course. Just had some business,” I say, hoping that dismisses her.
Her nose crinkles up, as if she smells something bad. “You smell like cheap perfume.” She takes a step close and sniffs the air again. “Ha. Business at the strip joint,” she says, rolling her eyes. “What the hell!”
“Just because we slept together one time doesn’t mean we have a claim on the other. It was one time. No big deal,” I snap, just needing her to go away. I can’t think straight when she’s around. All I can think about is kissing her red lips, pulling her to my desk, and sliding into her warmth. Then afterward, holding her against me. That’s not me. I don’t stay after the deed is done. I get the hell out. Hurt crosses her features, and my gut twists at the look.
“You’re a dick,” she spits.
“You’re catching on,” I say and force a smile. She’ll leave now. I know she will. She turns around and stomps to the door. Before crossing the threshold, she twists around, grabs the paperweight from the bookshelf. Turning back around, she throws it at my head. Ducking just in time, it hits the wall behind me. I hear it crack the wall.
“You’re crazy,” I yell.
“Glad you’re catching on. You’re still a dick. Enjoy your strippers.” She waves her hands in the air before stomping out of the room.
Bending down, I pick the paperweight up and place it on the desk, then survey the damage to the wall. For a tiny woman, she has surprising strength and aim. Sliding into the chair, I rock my head back and stare at the ceiling. She has managed to bury herself into my skin. I want her. I can’t get her out of my mind, but I know I can’t have her. It would never work. It can never work.
* * *
He’s got to be the biggest dick I’ve ever met, and I’ve met a lot of dicks before.Such an ass. I didn’t expect us to be exclusive by any means, but I also didn’t expect him to go to the strip club the day after.Ass. He really doesn’t care. I feel used. I knew better than to entangle myself with Kevin, and still, I did it. I guess that makes me stupid. The moment we had at the club meant nothing, and it was moronic to think it did. He was never the guy who would commit to a woman. He doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to be able to commit past a night. Throwing myself on my bed, I beat my pillow with my fist, wishing it was his face. I can’t help the giggle that escapes, picturing his face when I threw the paperweight at his face. That was not one of my better moments, but he pisses me off. He’s going to ruin my sanity one way or the other.
Closing my eyes, I try to calm down. I’m still pissed. Cheap perfume is still lingering in my nostrils. Flipping on my back, I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling fan as it circles. I feel like I’m the one riding on the ceiling fan, going around and around with Kevin and my feelings. It’s a tie between which one of us I’m more pissed at, currently. I’ll be madder at myself because I knew what it was. It was a moment of weakness letting him in my bed. I need to stay far away from him from now on. The last thing I need is another second of idiocy. Unfortunately, I think they come all too easily with Kevin.
The room closes in the longer Claire paces. I’m not thrilled about the turn of events either, but now is not the time to stop rolling with the punches. I have the situation well in hand. I need my sister to give me some goddamn breathing room. Andre called me last night with the last piece of information I need to make my move. What was once years away, then weeks, is now only days.
“You’re taking Lily to the event,” Claire repeats for the sixth and hopefully final time.
“Yes,” I answer.
“Are you crazy?” she hisses, stepping closer to fix my tie.
“I don’t have a choice. Connor called and advised that I bring her to meet everyone. They are intrigued that someone caught my eye for more than a minute.”
“Even more reason to keep her the hell away,” she bites out.