“We should,” she says, nodding but making no move to return. Instead, we both stay on the dance floor for several more songs. Not truly dancing, more swaying and touching than dancing. Forcing myself to break away from her, I lead her back to the table. I feel colder without her, as if all the warmth has gone away. Claire gives me a look I know well. The look that says I’m in deep. As if I don’t already know that? It’s her fault. She’s the one who brought Lily into our lives.
Everyone continues to chatter for the rest of the night with Lily, and I say few words. I wonder what she’s thinking. I wish I could make her tell me, but I can’t. She’s not one of my men nor my prisoner. Even if she were, I feel like she would hold out longer than them. She’s just that stubborn. I may have finally met my match.
* * *
After returning home, we all split up. Kevin to his office. Mia and Alex upstairs. I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, hoping that will do something to calm my nerves. Wine or vodka may have been a safer option, but I’d been drinking all night. My head will thank me in the morning for some water. Chugging down the first glass, I go for the second and take sips this time.
Returning to my room, I slide into my bed, hoping I pass out. My mind won’t stop spiraling down the rabbit hole that is Kevin. I can still feel his hands on my body from earlier. It feels right, being in his arms, as if there was nowhere else I should be. He needs to get off my mind if I’m to sleep tonight. It’s sexual frustration, and that’s it. I can’t seriously be thinking I have any real feelings for Kevin. He’s not the type of guy anyone dates. He’s like a black hole. Once you fall in, there’s no getting out. It’s all-consuming. I can’t allow myself to fall into this trap I’m making.
Reaching into my bedside drawer, I pull out my vibrator. My body just needs a release, and then I’ll forget all about tonight and Kevin’s way too attractive eyes. Sliding down my pajama pants, I let them pool at my ankles. Just as I pushpoweron the toy and let it rest at my entrance, I sense the door open.
Being thrown off at the unexpected motion at the corner of my eye, I don’t hit the power off, and the vibrating sound echoes in the room of silence. Making it well known what I am about to do.Kevin’s calm eyes meet my wide gaze.
“Continue.” His voice comes out gruff. I have two options: tell him to get out or do as he asks and call whatever bluff he’s playing at.
Continuing to hold his gaze, I slowly push the toy inside, imagining it is something much different. The vibrations pulse through my body, and I give a little moan. His eyes darken with desire at the sound. The vibrator hits me at the perfect spot to send pleasure radiating through my body, and I know it won’t belong. It’s been a while since I’ve broken it out, and I’m more than ready to have a release. Kevin has been playing in my fantasies far too long.
Ignoring my uninvited guest, I let the pleasure dance through my body, building more pressure till I know I’ll fall apart in blissful pleasure. The pressure builds, and I feel myself slipping into a point till bliss takes over. As I fall over the edge, he disappears like a phantom, as if I had dreamt him up. Breathing deeply, I wait till the last splash of pleasure dissolves before putting the vibrator away. I should feel embarrassed that he had just watched me, but I don’t. I feel something very different. Sliding deeper into the covers, I shut my eyes and finally find a dreamless sleep.
* * *
The banging on the door jerks me awake. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I stand on unsteady legs and swing open the door. “What are you—” The rest of my sentence is cut short as Kevin’s lips crash into my own. He steps forward, and I move back to allow him deeper into the room. His arm moves backward, slamming the door shut. We fall into the bed, a tangle of legs and arms. Our lips never leave the others, as if we’re afraid parting would give us enough time to stop this madness.
His hands grip my wrists, lifting them above my head as his lips move from my mouth to my neck.
“I tried to get you off my mind after earlier, but you kept haunting me,” he whispers into my ear.
“You’re the one who barged in on me. This is why we learn to knock,” I get out, barely, as he nibbles my ear. All other words evaporate from my brain.
“What were you thinking about?” he asks suggestively.
“Ryan Gosling,” I whisper, biting down on my lip to keep from moaning as he moves across my neck.
“Hm. The truth, or I’ll stop.”
I have a silent debate on if I want to call his bluff and tell him it’s Ryan again, but I’m too scared he’ll follow through with his threat and stop what he’s doing.
“I was thinking about you.”
“What about me?” he asks, his lips inches from my own, touching me with his nearness. I try to move up to reach him be he’s pinned me down.
“You know what,” I snap.
“I do. But I want to hear them from your pretty lips.”
Two can play at this game.”That it was you inside of me.”
“Who am I to disappoint?” he whispers against my ear. I shiver in pleasure, radiate with want as his hands glide over me in feather-like torment. With each caress I want more, but I know he’ll drag this out as a way to torture me. My fingers sweep over his back, tugging his shirt up as a reminder that he’s not the only one who can draw this game out. His fingers make quick work unbuttoning my pajama shirt and peeling it from my body. Before I have a moment to be self-conscious, his lips have moved to my breast. My back arches and my head tilts back.
His fingers move along the top of my pants before slipping inside. One finger slips easily into my wetness, then another slips in, stroking along my walls. The moment of discomfort is quickly replaced by pleasure as he hits all the right spots. My nails dig into his ass, needing to feel every inch of him. His lips return to my own while his fingers work inside me. A second later, I feel the loss of his fingers as he moves from the bed. If he’s doing this to mess with me, so help me…he stands to the side of the bed, and I move to draw him back before realizing my mistake. I won’t beg for his company in this way. Instead of leaving me, he pulls a condom from his pocket. His pants fall to the floor at his feet.
He slides back into bed, and I run my fingers through his hair before guiding his lips back to my own. He moves my legs apart quickly, both of us wanting to find release. It seems we’ve played the game long enough. He slides easily in, and our bodies mesh together as one. My mind is quiet as pleasure is the only thing I can manage now, but I know after it will race. For now, I try only to feel and not think. It’s easy to do as he plays my body like a pianist, hitting all the right notes at the correct time. I’ll worry about the future in the morning. Tonight, I want to bury myself in the pleasure. And that’s exactly what I intend to do.
* * *
A few moments later, I sense him slip from the bed. I don’t say anything as I’m not going to beg him to stay. What we just did means as little to him as it does to me. He has screamed that settlement loud and clear. What we did was an essential need like water and food. We both had gotten under the other’s skin for too long, and it finally got to the boiling point. Now it’s out of our systems. Everything will go back to normal. Or as normal as it always has been between us.