Page 18 of Twisted Lies

“On my breast.”

“Good. Give yourself attention there, then movelower.” His words come out like silk, making me pulse. Moving slowly down, I push my hand under my pajama bottoms, and linger there.

“Now what?” My voice comes out raspy.

“Put one finger in, then two. Move slowly in and out.” He moves once more in his chair.

Doing as he asks, my gasp comes out without my control. It has been too long since I’ve allowed myself to feel pleasure. I can tell by how close I am from a little simulation. I’m thankful the darkness hides my expression. “Tell me,” he says.

“I’m moving them slowly.”

“Keep going.” I can’t tell if he means my words or my actions. I go with actions and allow myself to feel without words.

My fingers slip inside my warmth. Slowly at first, testing the limits as my walls tighten around till they loosen, allowing me to move faster. I sense him move a little in his seat, as if he’s grown uncomfortable in his current position. I smile a little that I could cause a reaction in a man like Kevin, who has women throwing themselves at him. My other hand dances across my body, causing sensations to race through me.

I feel myself getting warmer with each featherlike touch, imagining it’s his hand on me. My fingers move faster, pushing all the right buttons. I hear him hiss and know he senses my nearness. Shutting my eyes, I let out a whimper as pleasure comes crashing down around me.

Breathing out slowly, I ride the last wave of pleasure and then remove my fingers. Leaning back in my chair, I try to catch my breath, my body still tingling. We sit in silence, staring at each other. I should feel embarrassed at what he just saw me do, and I’m sure it will come, but for now, I relish in what just transpired. Standing, I stare down at him, never looking away from his face, that’s not as hidden in darkness as it was earlier. My eyes have adjusted. Neither of us says anything as I exit the room. As I lay back in bed, I wonder what the hell I just created for the both of us.

* * *


The next day Lily can’t meet my eyes. Before sitting down for breakfast, she stares at the chair she sat in the night before. I can’t resist messing with her.

Raising an eyebrow, I ask, “Everything okay? You look paler than normal. Bad night?” Claire glances up from cutting her orange, knowing she missed something but not entirely sure what.

Lily clears her throat. “Not at all. Pretty boring. Not the best night of my life.” I hide my smile by taking a drink of my water.

Claire pipes up, “Well, not that you care, but I had an interesting night. I was up late redoing menu ideas ten times for the new restaurant. Who would have thought debating on a concept would be this difficult. Mamma Mia’s was easy.”

“Whatever you touch turns to gold. I’m sure whatever you choose will be perfect. You can always do a Mamma Mia’s there,” Lily says, finally taking a seat.

“I know. But I want something new. Mamma Mia’s is running relatively smoothly here. I need a new challenge, but I can’t decide what.” Claire pouts, and I almost laugh, but know there’s a fifty percent chance she’ll throw the knife in her hand in my direction. “I have to go to the restaurant today. We have a staff meeting in a few. What are you two up to?”

I raise an eyebrow seductively in Lily’s direction. She glares and rolls up her napkin to throw at me. “I don’t know what your brother has planned, but I need to look for jobs.” I tense at her words.

“No.” The word slips out, and I can tell by both their glares it was not the correct response. “You don’t need another job. You already have one. It’s here.” I’m already sending men with Claire everywhere she goes. I don’t have the manpower to send more with Lily as she goes around town job hunting. Connor will start to ask more questions, and I need to be prepared to make my move. I can’t have any more distractions. Why can’t she understand?

“I was needed because of Becca. She’s not here. I—” Lily’s words are laced in tension.

I interrupt her again. “Your job here is what I deem it is,” I state, standing quickly. The chair scrapes across the floor. Lily glares. Claire opens her mouth to speak, but I silence her with a look. Throwing my napkin on the table, I storm to my office. I need time to think. I allowed Lily to get under my skin again. My perfect control seems to be slipping the more she’s around. Maybe it would be best to just send her on her way. My gut twists in discomfort. If Rebecca hadn’t appeared, I would have no issues sending her away. That’s the lie I’ll tell myself today, at least.

A short while later, I leave to meet Connor at his home for a meeting. Connor senses my lie and wants to watch me squirm. “Boss,” I say, nodding in his direction as I wait at the door’s threshold. Connor waves his hand in the direction of the empty chair, and I quickly move to sit.

“What did you find out from Alex?” he asks, not looking up from the papers he flips through. His words are spoken firmly, but I can sense he’s anything but calm.

“Not much. He’s sticking to his story.”

“Do you believe him?”

“Yes,” I answer.

“Well, that tells me you’re slipping or you’re lying. Which is it?” Connor demands coldly, slamming the paper down. His blazing eyes meet my own. Most men would flinch at his tone and look, but I’m not most men. Soon everything will be mine again, and Connor will be following my orders. I just need to bide a little more time.

“Neither. I would not betray you. Why would I? It would be suicide.” Connor leans back in his chair, puffing out his chest, liking my words. He’s enjoying the power he holds over me as well as the other men in the room. “Alex was an idiot to speak to Jason, but don’t you think that if there was more to the story, Jason would have acted by now?”

“I don’t trust him,” Connor says, annoyed I’m not giving him what he was hoping for.