Page 70 of Twisted Lies

“I know,” I respond, moving my lips down her jawline to her neck and down.

“Still pissed.”

“I must be doing this well enough,” I whisper in her ear.

“You really should try harder,” she answers a little more breathlessly.

“Challenge accepted,” I smile, falling with her into bed.

Her hand drifts to my shoulder, gently shoving me. "What?"

"There will be plenty of time for that, but sleep will be your best medication for now."

"Is that your advice, nurse Lily?" I ask, rolling to my back. She shifts to sit up slightly.

"I know you would understand one day. I told you I would be your favorite nurse."

"You're surely the most annoying." I chuckle. She bends down and kisses my cheek. "What is the payment your expecting?"

"I have faith you can cover my fee. I'll let you start making payments once you feel better." My eyes start to close against my will. I was wide awake a moment ago, and now I'm exhausted. "Sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"You better," I mutter, but I don't think it made sense. Sleep slips me away.

* * *

The phone ringing wakes me up. Before answering, I see it’s two a.m. Sliding away from Lily, I move to the hall.

It’s Daniel. “This better be important.”

“Oh, it is. I spoke to my son, and you’re never going to believe who he said paid him to do the hit.”

Paid. This is much more complicated than I had realized. I had thought he was trying to get rid of me for his father. If Daniel truly had no involvement, who would pay his son to get rid of me?

“Sebastian Regio.”

Will that runt never stop being a fucking thorn in my side? A few months earlier, he had kidnapped Claire, trying to get money to pay off his debts. He had been targeting Logan’s and Alex’s shipments as well. When they found out, they tried to kill him, but he slipped away like the snake he is.

“Apparently, my moron of a son got himself into debt with the same guy as Sebastian. Sebastian offered to give him the money to pay off his debt if he killed you. I’m not sure how Sebastian is getting all this money when he can’t pay his own accounts. I’m taking care of my son’s debts. He will work it off.”

One more motherfucking thing to deal with. “Sebastian is going to be a problem for all of us,” I say.

“I know. The kid lost all sense. He needs to be dealt with.”

“Yes, he does.”

“Logan may not take that well,” he responds, not realizing that Logan’s been at the end of his rope with Sebastian for a while now. The attacks on the cargo and Claire’s kidnapping were the actual snapping point. Daniel and the rest of the Families are still not aware that Alex is Logan and Sebastian’s brother.

“I’ll speak with him about Sebastian’s involvement. Does Logan know where Sebastian is? Anything that may help?”

“I asked, and he said they met outside the Regio territory. Knowing Sebastian, he’s in the wind again.”

Letting out a frustrated sigh, I respond. “I know. He’ll be found. If all the Families want him found, he will have nowhere to hide.”

“If it comes to that, his death will not be pleasant.”

He’s correct. There was only one time I can remember all the Families going after one man. He was a part of the Marino organization and had gone to the police. He was placed in protective custody. It took time, but he was found. In a public display, he was killed. I was young when this happened, but all the Families witnessed his death. It was a clear statement.

“He’ll get what’s coming,” I respond. “Thank you for the intel. I’ll speak with Logan.”