Page 31 of Twisted Lies

Pissed, I speed into the last remaining parking spot. Opening the door, I step out and around the car to open hers. She slides out and plays with the fabric of her dress.

The first sign of nerves. Softening my expression, I say, “I won’t let anything happen to you. I know you know nothing about these people, and I’m sorry you’re being dragged into this.”

She gives me a small smile. “The great Kevin apologizing for something. Now I’m worried.”

“Don’t be. This I can handle. Just stay by me.” I know she’s still mad at me, but maybe she’ll be smart enough to know not to do anything crazy, like wandering off on her own to spite me. Holding my breath, I open the door for her and follow right behind. Placing my hand on her side, I whisk her to the front doors. Entering, I ignore the stares as if I do not feel them against my back. We move toward Connor.

“Lily. My dear, it’s so nice that you were able to attend. Kevin wasn’t sure if he could convince you, but I’m glad he did,” Connor says, opening his arms to her. Her smile is weak as she glances around the room before stepping closer to return the hug. “Lily, this is Owen, my son, and Aaron. I think you two met the other night.”

“Yes, I remember. Good to see you,” she says, and she smiles at Owen. The less she talks, the better. Owen’s one thing, while Aaron is another matter entirely. It’s impossible, but I can dream. I already sense the looks we are receiving. Between her looks and innocence, and this being the first time I’ve brought anyone here, it’s a lethal combination.

“You have quite the group here,” she states, her head turning behind her shoulder to glance around the room.

Connor laughs. “Yes, you can say that. More people came than last year. We were here till three in the morning drinking. Hopefully no fights this year.” Connor chuckles.

“Three in the morning? How did you manage that?”

“All about who you know,” Connor answers, lifting his drink to his lips.

“We’re going to get a drink,” I state. My voice comes out colder than intended, and Connor raises an eyebrow. “Boss,” I say, placing my hand on her waist and pulling her away.

“So far, no heads have rolled,” Lily whispers, nearing the bar.

“Not yet. Hopefully, we won’t stay long. I’ll make our excuses.”

The bartender reaches our end, and she orders a white wine and me a whisky. My hope to blend into the background is entirely dashed when Shane calls me over to his large group. The group is a mix.

“Tell us, Lily…it is Lily, right?” Shane asks.


“Lily, tell us, how did you meet Kevin? No offense, you’re not his usual type,” Shane states, laughing into his glass as the others chuckle. If I could kill him, I would. I barely contain my growl.

Lily holds her ground and forces a laugh in return. “Oh, I know. His type usually has more sparkles.” Shane spits his drink back in his glass while the others appear shocked at her boldness. “What can I say? I swept him off his feet.”

Jason laughs. “Kevin, don’t let this one go. I like her.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I won’t,” I state as a promise and threat. “She’s mine now.” Shane’s wife shifts the topic to offshore homes. I’ve never been so thankful to discuss the Cayman Islands.

I catch Connor looking at me and see the look in his eye that tells me he needs to speak to me. I don’t want to leave Lily, but I have no choice. Leaning over, I whisper in her ear so she will be the only one to hear. “I need to speak to Connor. I’ll be right back. Stay here.” Moving to the back of her, I walk away. The quicker I hear what he needs to say, the quicker I can return. I look back once more to see that she appears to be in conversation with Jason. Stepping into the kitchen, we walk to the back where Finn is waiting.

“Sean’s in the hospital. He got jumped on the way here,” Finn says grimly.

“I’ll have their heads,” Connor yells, slapping the counter.

“I’ll work on getting names,” I say, turning away.

“No. Wait till the morning. I worry what the others will think of this. It’s a message for me. Finn, go to Sean and make sure he’s getting the best treatment, and find out what he knows once he’s awake. For now, we go back as if nothing has happened.” His eyes flash in anger. Depending on who did this, it could very well mean war.

Turning around, we re-enter the dining room. Finn leaves out the front door while Connor moves to the bar. Stepping toward my previous spot, I’m stopped mid-step byno Lily.Fuck me. Where could she have gone? I wasn’t gone that long. What trouble could she have gotten herself into in such a short time?Restroom.Twisting around, I quickly move to the left side down the wall till I find the stairs to the restroom. My heart is beating out of my chest. I need to find her. Anything could have happened to her. I should never have brought her here. Claire was right. Not bothering to knock on the door, I burst in, holding my breath. The first stall is wide open, as is the second.

Please.I say a silent prayer as I see the third is closed. Bending down, I see that the figure appears to be sitting on the floor. “Lily?” I question. The person doesn’t answer, but I know it’s her. “Lily, unlock the door,” I order. She says nothing. I hear her rustle on the ground, but she doesn’t get up. Sliding to the ground, I slide under the stall. Once I’m in, I sit up and see that her arms are wrapped around her knees and her eyes are wide, staring into space. “Lily baby, talk to me. What happened? Did someone do something? Say something? Talk to me.” Her finger digs into her legs. Moving my hand up, I gently push the hair that has fallen in front of her face back.

“Lily, please,” I beg. I can’t fix it if she doesn’t speak. I need to fix whatever this is. Her eyes shut tightly, and she breathes in and out of her nose, as if trying to come back to reality.

After what feels like forever, she speaks in a child-like voice. “Can we go? Please.”

I want to press her for answers, but in the state she’s in, I know now’s not the time. I’ll get the answers soon enough, and whoever put her in this state will pay in blood.