I could kick myself as my hand rests on the warm spot in the bed that he just occupied a moment ago. I hope by the time the warmth fades, I will have convinced myself of my thoughts. I fear I’ve just thrown myself out of the frying pan and into the fire. Everyone is bound to get burned in the end.
* * *
Stepping outside her room and shutting the door, I bang the back of my head against the wall. I should have left the fucking door shut. Instead, I let my dick lead me into the room. That part of my body seems well satisfied, but my mind is a mess. Fucking her was a mistake. I had hoped to get her off my mind the only way I know how but it seems to have backfired. I want to open the door and climb back into bed and between her legs. Not a good idea, my mind reminds my other head.
My hands clench into fists. My body is tense, as if I’m ready to go into a gunfight. Forcing myself to walk down the hall to my room, I lock the door, hoping it will deter me from leaving again. I want her in a way I’ve never wanted anyone else before. It’s as if she’s taken resistance in my soul. I may have to find a priest and have her exorcised. I need to get her off my mind, and if fucking her didn’t work, I need to find another tactic. Circling the room like a caged tiger, I do what I do best and plot.
“Kevin, I think he’s dead, man.” Finn’s voice invades the haze that has come over my brain. Dropping the body, I glance at the bloody mess that was Joe Piper. Stepping away, I pull my hands up and see they are covered with a mix of both our blood. My knuckles are raw from the hits.
“You’re in a mood tonight,” Owen observes, whistling.
I don’t respond. There is no need. I don’t answer to Finn or Owen. The only person I need to concern myself with is Connor, and not for much longer. Connor won’t care about Joe’s death. It’s one less issue he’ll have to deal with in the morning. Joe knew his ending the moment he stole from Connor. A few hundred he might have overlooked because they were old friends. Half a million in weapons and drugs is a death sentence.
He was packing for a long trip when we found him at his house. He had already sold most of it and had the cash in duffels. He wasn’t even startled when we arrived. He handed the bags to Finn and got in the back of the car. Honestly, he got off easy with me killing him. The boss had much worse things planned for him back at the house.
“Take care of him,” I order, walking away from the scene to call Connor. He picks up after two rings. “It got out of hand. He’s dead,” I state.
“Who killed him?” He doesn’t seem upset at the outcome.
“I did.”
“Did he run away or fight?” he asks.
“Some. Not much,” I say, honestly knowing Owen or Finn will fill in any blanks.
“I guess I can send Aaron home. He’ll be disappointed he didn’t get to have his fun.”
“Tell him I’ll send him a fruit basket as an apology.” I laugh.
“Oh, he’ll love that. Good work, Kevin. Go home. See Lily. I keep hearing her name more and more. You’ll have to bring her over some time. Let the family get to know her better.” My gut twists at the thought of Lily being dragged more into my world. She was the light in all the darkness. The closer I get to her, the more her light is dimmed. “Be at the house early in the morning. We need to go over final details for the meet with Jason.”
“I’ll be there. Night, boss.” Hitting end call, I slide the phone back in my coat pocket. I exhale, hands in the cold air. I feel Finn’s presence behind me and wait for him to speak.
“Neil and Tim are taking care of the body. Let’s get out of here. I need to blow off some steam since you took all the fun.” Finn laughs.
“You were more than welcome to join in,” I point out.
“Ha. I’ve learned never to get between you and your fists. Are you coming with or do you need to get home?” Owen asks.
Good question. I want to go home. I want to slide into bed next to Lily and feel her warm body next to mine. But tonight’s not the night. I don’t want to go to her bloody and smelling of death. I need to stay away from her. Beating Joe to a bloody pulp kept her from my mind for a little while at least. I just need a few more Joes every night and then I should be fixed.
“You know me, I can never sleep right after a night like this. Should we go to the club?” I ask, knowing his answer. Connor owns several clubs, all offering different things depending on one’s tastes. The Red Dragon I avoid. It’s too dark even for me. It takes a certain kind to work there and an even more specific person to go.
“When don’t I? It’s been a week since I’ve seen Tiffany,” Finn says, rubbing his hands together.
I chuckle. “I’m sure she’s enjoyed her vacation.”
“Dick.” He laughs, slapping me on the back. Turning over his shoulder, he yells to the others to meet us there. Tonight, we go to the Bronze. The part Claire and Lily will never know about. With most things in this world, there is the part we want people to see, and then there is the truth. The truth about the Bronze is the underground club is seedier and more intense than the main floor. Drugs and alcohol flow freely. The dancers wear fewer clothes as the night goes on. One could always find a girl willing to do more than dance for a few hundred. It was one of the safer clubs Connor owns. No fights or weapons are allowed, and the bouncers are there if someone doesn’t understand the wordno. The Bronze has the highest retention rate of them all.
The Bronze is packed for midweek, as it is most days. Walking through the crowd, men and women alike make way for us as if they sense something is not quite right. Stepping to the VIP rope, the bouncer of the night quickly lets us in. We go down the long red hall till we reach the stairs and climb down to the true club. It looks similar to the club upstairs—lots of metal and lights. The main differences are the dancers and clientele.
“I’m going to find Tiffany,” Finn states, his eyes already looking for her in the crowd of faces. Moving to the bar, I order a drink when Heather and Melanie appear at either side.