Page 24 of Twisted Lies

“Alex just got back. He’s in town for the weekend. Becca is still in Texas.” Ahh, that explains Mia’s excitement. I know she’s been missing him, and FaceTime can only do so much. A few seconds later, Mia returns with Alex on her arm. Her smile is beaming as she reaches up to kiss her husband on the cheek. One of many kisses he’ll be getting, I’m sure. I grin at their contagious happiness.

“I want—no, need—to do something fun tonight,” Mia sings. “There has been so much going on. Let’s get out of here for a bit. Kevin, call Sean and see if they want to join us.”

“And where, pray tell, are we going?” Kevin asks, stepping forward. I’m surprised he’s not straight up saying no.

“The Bronze. Our friends should be there, and a bit of dancing never killed anyone.”

“I’m sure you would be the one to test the theory,” Kevin states, rolling his eyes.

“I, for one, agree with Mia. It might be good to get out. Maybe meet some friends,” Alex says to Kevin. His face hardens.

“Yes. Never know when you’ll run into friends. I’ll call Sean and get the car. Are you ready to go?” he asks, glancing at his phone.

“Not yet. Going to change, then be ready. Lily, come on,” Mia says, grabbing my arm playfully.

His eyes snap up. “I’m sure Lily has other things to do tonight.”

If he thinks I’m not going just because he obviously doesn’t want me to, he needs to rethink his ideas. I’m going to get immense joy out of messing with him tonight. “Now I have to go because you don’t want me to.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t want you to come.” His eyes flash, and I know he wants to add more.

“It was implied.” I know Mia and Alex are watching our exchange with humor. “Let’s go,” I say, tugging Mia up the stairs.

“So, what’s going on between you and my brother?” Mia asks as she opens her closet. Throwing myself onto her bed, I breathe deeply, trying to decide how to answer.

“Who knows?” I say, rolling onto my back. “He’s infuriating.”

“Yes. Yes, he is. But he seems to like you. How do you feel about him?”

“I…I’m not entirely sure.”

“I’ll give you some advice. I’ve not seen him act the way he does around you with anyone else. It means something. But enough of that, come here and let’s get you an outfit that will drive him absolutely nuts.”

“I think you’re overestimating his feelings for me,” I state, rolling off the bed.

“Or you’re underestimating,” Mia says, holding out two tops. Both are made from little fabric. She sees my look and says, “I can be a mom and still be sexy, and wear clothes that make me feel sexy. It just so happens these tops do it for me. And yes, they were expensive.”

“Anyone ever tell you you’re crazy?” I laugh.

“Oh yeah, all the time. Pick one,” she demands. Taking a step back, I debate which one to go with. I already know I’ll change into my light skinny jeans. The black, almost sheer top will go best with the shoes I have planned. Tugging that shirt from her hand, I hold it to my chest. Silently, I debate if I should be doing this. Then I shake my head and decide I’m going. It will be fun. Do a little dancing, have a couple of drinks. Flirt, but not with Kevin. That’s what I need, someone who’s not Kevin. Get him off my mind for good.

“You should have gotten a discount for the lack of material.” I laugh, holding the chosen shirt to my chest.

“If only that’s how it worked,” she laughs.

Leaving Mia to change, I walk down the hall to my room. Quickly, I pull my jeans out and tug on the shirt. I brush on makeup and fluff my blonde hair. Stepping back, I glance in the mirror. The makeup gives me a tanner look to my usually pale complexion. The eye shadow brings out my eyes, and the red lipstick makes my lips appear plumper. I hate to admit that I wonder what Kevin will think of my appearance. He sees me in my everyday clothes and no makeup. Without these things, he still appears to desire me. But I shouldn’t think about Kevin. Another guy. I need to banish Kevin from my mind. It will be better for both of us.

“Well, you look great. You ready?” Mia says, entering the room. She’s in skinny black jeans and a peach top that flows. She looks amazing. “It’s been so long since I’ve been out. It will be nice to go out with my husband—still getting used to that word—without kids and business. I love Becca, but sometimes it’s nice to go back to being an individual. You know?”

I nod. Reaching for my purse, I put the strap on my shoulder. “Adult company for the win tonight.” Giggling like schoolgirls, we race down the stairs. I lift my gaze to see Kevin’s reaction. Not that I care. I try not to enjoy watching his lips part, and his eyes widen. His heated gaze makes me tingle.

“Let’s go,” Mia announces once more, dancing to the door. Alex eyes us for a second before following his wife out.

“Ready?” I ask, swinging my arms awkwardly. Without a word, he marches after the others. “All righty then,” I mutter. “You look great, Lily. Oh gee, thanks, Kevin, so nice of you to compliment a person.” Rolling my head back, I try to mentally prepare myself to have fun, or at least fake fun.You do not need a compliment from him, you’re trying to forget him,I once more remind myself.
