I give her a confused look, but hand it to her. “If there’s a problem, I’ll call you. This is my number.” And she types it on my phone. With bags in one hand, Luke comes up and opens the door for me. Olivia hands me back my phone. Her car is moving before the door is even completely closed.

“Whoa, she’s a scary woman,” I say, stowing my phone back in my pocket.

I turn to Luke. “I guess I’m having lunch with her again tomorrow at 11:30. I’ll let you know if that changes.”

Luke nods. He helps me to the elevator. “Would you like me to help carry your bags up to the villa?”

“No, I can handle it. Thanks though.”

I dump my bags on the bed and search for the Michael Kors dress bag, opening it to make sure it’s the right size. If it’s not, I’m going back and getting the right one. But the size on the tag says twelve. The dress looks bigger.

I spend the rest of the day trying to keep myself busy. I do yoga in the living room. I finish a book. I put my purchases away, both of them. I look at my bank account, which is sad and depressing. I try to call the bank about my mortgage, but it’s after six in Idaho and the bank is already closed. I haven’t heard a word from Cole all day, so I try calling him. Maybe we can have dinner together? It only rings once and then goes o voicemail.

Ten minutes later, Luke calls me. “Mrs. Holt, is there something you need? Cole’s on a conference call to New York.”

I didn’t realize Luke was the go between for not only Cole’s business but his marriage as well; this irritates me. I’ve felt irritated all day. “No Luke, just please have him call me when he’s done.”

“I will make sure he knows.” I’m pretty sure that was a roundabout way of saying he won’t call me back.

I order dinner. What I should have done was go to the grocery store, even though the last time I tried didn’t work out so well. Blue Hawaii is playing on one of the old movie stations. This helps me feel better. It’s my favorite Elvis movie. I need to talk to someone, but everyone I love is mad at me or busy, except Kurt. The best conversation I’d get out of him would be yes, yes, no, huh? Laura will never call me; she thinks I hate her, and although I am still mad that she didn’t support me, I really need a friend right now. Giving in, I grab my phone.


“Hey Laura.”

“Kate, is everything okay? What’s wrong? Look, you have every right to hate me. I shouldn’t have said what I did. Cole loves you so much, everyone can see that. Everyone agrees, even Ben. Kate, I’m so, so, so sorry. I can’t believe you’re calling me. Something must be wrong. What is it?”

“You should be sorry. That’s the lowest thing you’ve ever done. You turned your back on me for my brother. But with family upset with me, I need someone. I need you. So, if you grovel a little more, you’re forgiven.”

“Kate, I love you. I will send you cake for a month if you forgive me.”

“Damn you, Laura, you know my weakness,” I laugh. “Done, you’re forgiven, but you’re on probation.”

“Kate, I’m really, really, sorry. You have no idea how much I regret saying those things.”

“I think I do. I could see it on your face after you said them.”

“Thanks, chicky, for the second chance. Now what’s up? Where’s Cole?”

“Meetings, Preston is selling his share of the company they own together. I’ve hardly seen him since we’ve been back. I was so desperate for people interaction, I said yes when Olivia asked me to go shopping with her.”

“Holy shit! You were desperate. What did Cole think?”

“I didn’t tell him. Hell, when I tried to call him I got his voicemail and then Luke called me back asking what I needed.”

“Yikes, that sucks.”

“You’re telling me.”

“All right, you have to dish about the sex. How was your first time?”

“Oh gosh, Laura…”

“No way, Kate. I’m the best friend—I get to know.”

“Laura, there are no words to describe how Cole makes me feel. It was beautiful. I didn’t know I could feel that way, and it keeps getting better and better.” I put my hand on my hot cheek, mostly from remembering how Cole makes me feel. I can’t lie, I am somewhat embarrassed to be talking about it, even with my best friend. “I’m glad it happened the way it did. I thought it would change me, but I’m still the same person.”

“Amazing how that is, huh? You think it will be this life changing phenomenon that will change you, but it doesn’t.”