Hunter frowned and placed his hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “Yeah, I’ve been listening. Just keep your cool man. When we get home, you can unwind.”
Ethan nodded and stood there for a few more moments, staring at where roses cascaded across the top of the casket. When a socially acceptable amount of time passed, he finally shuffled off to the right where his stepmother stood. Judging by her expression, she was also trying to portray a grieving family member. Her act wasn’t lost on me as she gently dabbed the corner of her eye while she exchanged words with her stepson.
Hunter and Dominic both shook the newly widowed woman’s hand, and quietly expressed their sympathy for her loss as I stood to the side. Someone sidled up next to me and before I could turn my head, they spoke. “How does it feel being the supposed queen?”
Chills skated across my skin when I realized who it was and my heart skipped a beat.I guess trying to slip out of here unnoticed is no longer an option, I thought to myself. “I have nothing to say to you.”
He chuckled quietly as he grabbed my hand between both of his and gave me a wink. “I don’t think that’s quite true. In fact, we have lots to discuss.” His eyes shot to where the men were standing with Ethan’s stepmother. “You cost me a lot of money the other day, rescuing all of my merchandise. And then to top it off,” he squeezed my fingers roughly, “one of your men murdered my business partner.”
I raised my eyebrows. “I think you’re mistaken. They were all preoccupied that day. It’s in extremely poor taste to accuse someone of homicide.” I turned my head momentarily, catching Hunter’s eyes. He stepped toward us and Ayers let go of my hands.
“It’s good to see you, son.”
Hunter rolled his eyes as he tucked me under his arm. “I’m not yoursonand never will be. I don’t want you speaking to Rayne ever again.”
More flashes of light caught my attention from the edges of the room. Ayers leaned in close to me, his breath hot on my cheek. “I have a surprise for you, little girl. A gift if you will.” He pulled away and squeezed Hunter’s bicep. “I’ll be in touch soon.”
Ayers’ words floated in my brain, filling me with a sense of dread while we lingered in the church. I was tired of surprises from him and those closest to him. His idea of a present consisted of kidnappings or someone trying to kill me. Honestly, it was exhausting.
“Don’t worry about him,” Hunter said quietly, noticing my sour mood. “He’s trying to get under our skin.”
Several minutes later, Dominic and Ethan approached. Ethan noticed Hunter’s arm draped over my shoulder and tilted his head. “The press is going to have a field day with this.”
Dominic simply shrugged. “We’ll handle it the same way we always do. Simply ignore it.”
“Have I been here long enough?” Ethan asked, changing the subject. Dominic nodded at him and relief washed over me.
Once we were home that evening, Dominic poured tumblers of whiskey as Hunter started a fire on the roof. I made myself comfortable, tucking my legs under me on a chaise, and listened to their quiet conversation. Trying to push away the worry over Ayers’ words, and the photographs that would circulate in the morning, I relished the sounds of their laughter as we drank. The alcohol slowly seeped into my veins, and paired with the comfort of their voices, I drifted off watching sparks from the firepit fly into the dark sky.
Chapter twenty-three
Aroundmidnight,Raynefellasleep curled up in front of the fire. Her lips were slightly parted and all I could think about was how peaceful she looked. Serene and completely at ease. I carefully lifted her and carried her downstairs, tucking her beneath the blankets of the bed. Now, her quiet breaths filled the room as I stared at her, early morning light trickling in. I wasn’t ready to leave the warmth of the bed or face the day that awaited us.
Dominic laid on her opposite side, his fingers gently brushing down her arm. The blanket tucked around her body had fallen, exposing the faintest hint of cleavage. My fingers traced along the soft skin and her eyes fluttered open, hazy from sleep.
She stretched, sandwiched between us, and Dominic wrapped an arm around her waist. I stole a kiss from her. My lips pressed against hers softly and I ran my tongue along the seam of her mouth lazily.
For a few minutes, time suspended, and the day fell away as we leisurely explored her skin. This was all I wanted to do today, hide away in her room, wrapped around her body. Unfortunately, I knew that wasn’t in the cards.
She groaned as I pulled away from her, feathering one last kiss on her temple. “You’re nothing but a tease,” she mumbled as she flopped back against the pillow.
“I’m giving you something to look forward to. Think of it as something to help get you through the day,” I smirked as I pulled on a t-shirt and Dominic laid his arm over her waist, nuzzling against her neck.
Seeing the tender expression painted across his face gave me quiet joy. I never thought I would see him warm up to a woman, much less fall head over heels in love with one. Even if he hadn’t expressed it yet, I could tell. Every smile he gave her, every murmured word, and every gentle touch betrayed him.
Dominic kissed her shoulder before pushing the covers back. “He’s right. Between the funeral and seeing what the fallout from last night is, we don’t have time. You need to get a shower.” He walked to her doorway and paused. “I’ll have a cup of fresh coffee waiting for you.”
Rayne grumbled as she rolled out of the bed towards the bathroom and both of us went downstairs. I was desperate for caffeine, or really anything that would help me make it through the day. Today was the day they would lower my father’s body into the ground, but the only thing I felt was numbness.
I sank onto one of the bar stools as I watched Dominic make coffee and thought of my childhood. All the punches, kicks, screams, and insults were still clear. Time had done nothing to fade them, the details still vivid in my mind. My emotions were completely different during my mother’s funeral. All I felt then was sorrow and a sense of deep loss. Attending my father’s memorial felt like a farce.
Dominic slid me a cup across the countertop and I inhaled deeply, relishing the rich earthy scent. I’d prefer weed or alcohol to further numb myself, but Hunter and Dominic would lose their shit if I started this early in the morning.
Hunter patted my shoulder as he walked by, heading to the stove. As he started his morning ritual of cooking breakfast, he paused briefly. “What’s the word about last night?”
I hadn’t even bothered looking at the news this morning, knowing that articles praising my father’s life would be plastered across the pages. I rolled my eyes at the thought as I took a sip of the coffee, waiting for Dominic’s response. “Mmm,” was all he said for a few moments, scrolling through his phone. Tapping my fingertips on the countertop, I stared at him.